Dry Ice Extraction

I Called Safeway and they don't have it up here:wall: :wall: :wall:
I love living up here and away from the city lights but stuff like this really makes it hard to appreceate....
Does ANY one have a way for me to get some? I go to Redding every week but all the stores I've asked didn't know.

They use it to ship stuff distances...

You could order some meat, and tell them to pack it with dryice, and say you'll pay extra...

Or...maybe there is a place that will just send it to you :D
Behind the butcher counter at some stores they might have some...
But not realize it....You'd have to REALLY ask...
i don't live in redding but i had to search for a couple days around here. i found it at an ice company. they do ice sculptures and deliver large loads of ice and shit like that.

they make dry ice on site because it obviously doesn't ship very well. they told me i have to give them a day's notice for a 10 lb order but they got it.

we don't have it at supermarkets around here. hell we don't even have supermarkets with "fill your own water" stations. we don't have a lot of stuff around here...

ice companies have it though. all cities have ice companies nearby.
Also found another lead
Airgas they deal in welding supplys Dry ice is a Gassss soooo I'll call Monday.
I will find Dry ice
I will have my Kief!!!!
Looks like I'll have to go to Redding next week and get some
I hope lol...
I found some and it's close
and it's got a Penguin on it lol!!!!!!
I just thought of a solution.

Use a bubble bag.
But as a BHO extractor screen.
And get some CO2 canisters, and blow them into the BHO extractor :D
lol funny

but yeah dry ice is hard shit to get around here as well have to have the right stores or the right people that use it in the area
For those having success with this method, let's take it a bit further.

1. Place a good amount of kief into a cigarette cellophane.
2. Roll cellophane tightly and secure even tighter with a bit of tape.
3. Wrap this in a piece of aluminum foil.
4. Cut a piece of paper towel to encase the package in...wet towel and wrap around.
5. Place in pre-heated 300 degree oven for 8 minutes.
6. Remove and discard paper the now half-dried paper towel.
7. Grab full can of soda.
8. Place aluminum foil package on counter top. Then gently begin to roll, light roll...then begin to increase pressure while continuing roll.
9. Remove foil and place heat-pressed kief still in its' cellophane into freezer for 10 minutes.
10. Remove and unwrap.

And there's how you make hash without a pollen press.
lol sun biz we did this in college with beasters on 420 we took 2 oz of beaster and ground it up for the keif did exactly what you said

nice black brick or or wax ball depending on the type you put in there
Saran Wrap hold a bunch more, or Ziplocks.
Empty wine bottle filled with really (boiling) hot water, use a rag to protect your hands, and roll it over the hash.

Does the same thing :D
YOU Didn't know

April did it for us a little while back...Like a month or 2 LOL LOL :lol:

Yeah I didn't know!

I was wondering why I couldn't find my concentration corner thread in Toke N Talk... Even though it kept getting bumped in my subscribed threads :lol:... or any other concentrate-related threads for that matter!
Bring a really good styrofoam cooler. Styrofoam resists the combination of cold, heavy and hard better than the hollow-plastic "Playmate" type coolers ime. The very best are single-piece urethane coolers. I remember black round ones branced "n'Icer", but dang if i know where to get them. cn
Or a thermous type thing.

I keep it in one of those giant water bottles that people use for camping or sports.
With like the flippy piece in the lid, where the water comes out...It keeps it real cold.
Found a store in Redding, I called them and it's all set I have to but 10 pounds but it's like $.98 a pound, I'll just have a Kief party with my growing friends.
One more question, I have some sticky bud Aphrodite I believe.
Any way should I grind it up first or throw the bud in there with the Dry Ice??
Found a store in Redding, I called them and it's all set I have to but 10 pounds but it's like $.98 a pound, I'll just have a Kief party with my growing friends.
One more question, I have some sticky bud Aphrodite I believe.
Any way should I grind it up first or throw the bud in there with the Dry Ice??

Grind first.

It WILL break up with the ice, but grinded is just best for getting the most.