Dry Ice keif extraction question


Active Member
Hi, I am finally near harvest on my second medical grow and I have a question about dry ice extraction. Does the trimmings need to be dry or can they be freshly cut and still be wet? First grow I used dry and it worked great, but don't know if trim should be dry since dry ice freezes everything.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am finally near harvest on my second medical grow and I have a question about dry ice extraction. Does the trimmings need to be dry or can they be freshly cut and still be wet? First grow I used dry and it worked great, but don't know if trim should be dry since dry ice freezes everything.
Hi peaceman,
I Love kief hash, you can get Really Potent product with either dry or Fresh. My two cents is if you want more of a commerical product with more yeild go with dry...But if you want Full Melt Go with Fresh. The plant matter and cloryphyl and yucky shit you dont want will break down over drying and bonds between cells will be weakened, causing more plant matter mixed in with Trichs/Keif. Fresh plant matter have strong bonds, Less plant matter breaks apart and you will get a Purer Much more potent end product. I will be making some this week, feel free to follow onlong on my grow journal!
also a medicinal Grower here:)


Active Member
Hi peaceman,
I Love kief hash, you can get Really Potent product with either dry or Fresh. My two cents is if you want more of a commerical product with more yeild go with dry...But if you want Full Melt Go with Fresh. The plant matter and cloryphyl and yucky shit you dont want will break down over drying and bonds between cells will be weakened, causing more plant matter mixed in with Trichs/Keif. Fresh plant matter have strong bonds, Less plant matter breaks apart and you will get a Purer Much more potent end product. I will be making some this week, feel free to follow onlong on my grow journal!
also a medicinal Grower here:)
Thanks for the quick reply. Your advice make sense, so I will dry out the trimmings and enjoy making some keif.

Hey, which micron bag do you use? It seems people do it many ways. My first grow, I had hermie hell from newbie mistake after newbie mistake, but I made keif with a 220 micron hashbag and it was great. After doing this, I realized many people use lower micron bags and get more.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick reply. Your advice make sense, so I will dry out the trimmings and enjoy making some keif.

Hey, which micron bag do you use? It seems people do it many ways. My first grow, I had hermie hell from newbie mistake after newbie mistake, but I made keif with a 220 micron hashbag and it was great. After doing this, I realized many people use lower micron bags and get more.
The best quality in my opinion is going to be 110 or 160, but you will get product all the way down to 60.
I use 220, 110, 60, thats it