Dry ice question.

The less surface area that is presented will extend the duration that the material is viable. Pellets present more surface area so will sublimate(melt) faster. A block should last long enough to achieve most desired results. Then again, the size of the block has to be both manageable and appropriate to your needs.
all that's available in my area is big chunks, but it comes in a heavy plastic bag, so i just crush it up in the bag with a hammer, then pour the bits into my shake/popcorn. it lasts plenty long enough to get all the trichs loose, it usually takes a couple of hours to completely sublime, it only takes 20 minutes or so to get everything good out of a couple of gallon jugs of popcorn and sugar leaves
What micron do ya'll like best for making your dry ice hash? I've done it a few times I think with the 160, cause the yield was good but I want better quality. i will be putting in a larger amount of better trim this time too.
i use 110 silkscreen material, and like what i get with it, but i'm not a picky guy.
the american numbers get bigger the finer the screen, the european numbers get smaller. americans measure the number of threads per inch, eurpoeans measure the actual size of the holes.
160 is already pretty small, 190 is about the smallest i would expect the be worth using. i'd run it through the 190, collect the results, dump the mass in the 160 and collect that seperately. i've been told that 160 or 170 is actually better than 190. you're supposed to get a lot of damaged trichs that don't age well at 190, go slightly larger and you get a better result.
i use 110 silkscreen material, and like what i get with it, but i'm not a picky guy.
the american numbers get bigger the finer the screen, the european numbers get smaller. americans measure the number of threads per inch, eurpoeans measure the actual size of the holes.
160 is already pretty small, 190 is about the smallest i would expect the be worth using. i'd run it through the 190, collect the results, dump the mass in the 160 and collect that seperately. i've been told that 160 or 170 is actually better than 190. you're supposed to get a lot of damaged trichs that don't age well at 190, go slightly larger and you get a better result.
are you sure you dont have it backwards? my 1gal american set definitely gets smaller the finer the screen. 220 gets plenty of plants, 40 hardly gives you anything.
are you sure you dont have it backwards? my 1gal american set definitely gets smaller the finer the screen. 220 gets plenty of plants, 40 hardly gives you anything.
i am wrong, now... they used to do it the way i said, now everyone uses threads per, inch in the u.s., centimeter in europe and most of the rest of the world.....i'm old, i remember outdated shit....
90 is about the smallest i'd use....anything smaller than that is supposed to yadayadayada....
When making hash using dry ice do you prefer using pellets, block or a slice?
fuck by the time i'm done shaking its all pellets anyways. Otherwise I just buy it in the blocks they sell it in, I usually buy 4 or 5 lbs cause its about 2 dollars a lb. then just find my gloves and my beater and go to town til its just lil bits. I figure its better that way , to have a greater surface area amongst my trim and popcorn. works pretty well. honestly hte hardest problem i've found is finding a big enough smooth surface to shake it over. I always end up losing a bit to the floor that way.