Dry tips and some with yellow spots

Not only do they have dry tips but some others have both burnt ends and tiny yellow spots all over the top. When looking through a 60x mag glass I saw a spider mite. Is the yellow spots and burnt ends because the spider mites Or is it lacking something too?

Picture 011.jpg
PPicture 008.jpg
my girls went thru the same its light and may be nutrient deficiency's . try backing up the light and when you do get a warm damp hand towel and stroke the leaf from center to edge or cut them off. be sure you spray your plants every now and again.
The leaves that are more exposed and closer to the lights are not really drying out like that and they are about 2 1/2 feet away from the light. The ones in the pic's came from the middle of the plant, more like 3-4 foot away. I just started misting them a little once a day for the last week and it looks like it might be helping. I was told sparying the plants when flowering wasnt good. Understandable that your not supposed to hose the girls down. Also, I noticed a 20 degree drop when they sleep which cant be good either.


Well-Known Member
whatre your temps day/nights max/min? do you supply cal-mag? how old+big are the plants and what size pot? what is your feed and schedule?


Well-Known Member
10-15 deg drop max, 70-80 deg day cycle, is the first step. also u should figure out the temps
12h 12h day night
High day:81 Low night:68
I havent tried cal-mag.
41 days flowering
4 plants in general hydroponics waterfarm
cycling a mix depending on day of the week of soul synthics grow, bloom/swell, root organics bloom
I was told or read it lowered the THC, messes with the tri's and helps pests especially spider mites. Even Jorge Cervantes said that a fine mist every once in a while was ok but it was best to just to have it at the right humidity so they sweat. But I could be totaly talking out my ass, this is my second grow and all I know is from reading. First time was growing mothers were in soil, the clones are my first at hydro and second shot. I have no idea what strain it is. I wanted to practice before I used good seeds.
Here's a few shots from tonight.