Drying and curing, just curious if it’s different for Organics


Well-Known Member
Looks better than many of the grows that get posted on here :).
Thank you dude, that’s really nice of you. I’m trying, not perfect, but I’m getting better.
All that organic matter breaking down in there looks dangerous, I mean I top dress, mulch, but I do outdoors, in a tent I think could be risky, how you do manage to keep it fungus/diseases free? I do mulch fruits trees with his own pruning remains (grounded), but just in the midle of the lines trees never under them, and ofc, sun take care of fungus, but in there?

Yeah it works great actually. It’s a little deceiving, it’s not too thick. It dries out everyday and I usually spray it with LaB, also there are a lot of red wigglers in my soil that devour that hay. I pasteurize the hay with boiling water for 5-10 minutes. I also too dress with bokashi, so yeah there is fungi but it’s the good kind. Far enough away from the buds to encourage mould. I’ve done this the past few grows and never had a problem, if anything they help out quite a bit. Also my roots grow up to the surface, so having all that hay and cannabis leaves give me a lot more space, where I would be loosing it.