Drying and Curing problem


New Member
Im sort of new at this and this is my first time posting here.So i sort of need advice about drying and curing.The drying has to be done outdoors because i still live with my mom and indoor drying is out of the question.i've already started drying about 20 grams in a cardboard box outdoors covered by tinfoil to make it a bit waterproof,however i have 7 plants (AK47 x lowryder # 2 autos) to dry still and soon i will probably have 11(cream caramel x green posion and m-8(that i think is crossed with blueberry,but im not entirely sure) more.Also my curing problem is along those lines i live with my mom so it would be a bit complicated however i'm thinking about curing in my closet.Any advice is appreciated.
Why grow when you live with your mother? Highly irresponsible. Don't know what part of the world you're in but I bet it's still pretty warm out. Drying is going to be rough. You should just dry indoors if you have the nerve to even grow while living with your mother
Put your bud in a large paper bag and fold the top over. Close with a couple clothespins. Closed bag will help keep odor down. BigSteve.
thanks bigsteve that sounds like a good idea i think i'll try it.Either that or dry it round a friends house