drying and curing


Active Member
is it drying or curing that gives it the overall smell and taste??
and when will the weed smell come to it instead of the plant smell?


Well-Known Member
Its the cure, when your bud is jared all the starches will turn to sugars & the terps will come out. You cant beat a good cure.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its actually a combo of both as you have to get a good dry without overdrying or under drying then when at the correct point of the dry you go to the cure which should be at least a month but longer is better. The smoke gets better with aging. The grassy smell shouldnt be there when dried right but can come back some when curing the first coupe days. If you jar the buds and the next day open the jar and buds are soft and moist again you didnt dry enough and need to take out or leave jars open another day and restart the cure.