Drying buds. Keep finding tiny little bugs crawling around the glass bowl im drying in.


Well-Known Member
Could these little bugs still be feasting on the buds? Im guessing the ones im seeing today are all from eggs hatching.. but will they not be able to feed and die? Do i have to worry about them infesting inside my house? or will any bugs just die from starvation?


Well-Known Member
without a pic its going to be near impossible to answer.
but were are likely growing bugs with your living plants that are now drying.
they could be a number of pests like aphids, mites, thrips. google marijuana pests and post the picture that looks like them for more help?


Well-Known Member
I think they are thrips.... I have some dead flying aphids and some small baby aphids im finding but the ones im concerned about are the thrip looking things but they are so small i dont think i can get a picture of them. remind me of tiny headlice that move their bodies like centipedes sort of. (but nothing like a centipede, like when they turn they sort of have a wiggle to their movement)


Well-Known Member
Because thinking back i had damage to leaves i thought was spider mites but ive seen some pics of thrip damage and i think it was the same


Well-Known Member
I'd fill the jar with Freon. If it breaths oxygen, it won't for much longer. Leave the buds under Freon for a couple hours then air the buds out on a screen.

Whatever the bugs are. Being in the storage jar is a no go. Besides spreading funk. They take tiny craps on things. Generally all around nasty.


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify they arent in jars, they are on about the 3rd day of drying in a glass bowl, hense the worry of them infesting my room

greg nr

Well-Known Member
suddenly my skin is crawling.......

Things you can try (each has drawbacks):
-- Wash the buds in a solution with lemon juice (citric acid)
-- Put the bowl in the freezer for an hour or so
-- Cover the bowl with plastic and fill it with CO2 (freon is a nasty chemical - pthkkkk)
-- Shake well and sell..... j/k ;)


Well-Known Member
I dont have any jars :(. I read before that you shouldn't worry about bugs infesting your room as they have nothing to feed off?

greg nr

Well-Known Member
c'mon. you can buy a case of mason jars at walmart or most dept stores for $10. Or you can buy a box of ziplock bags in any country in the world for $2.

You weed is worth $200-$400/oz.

Not an excuse really, now is it? ;)

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Regardless of the bugs, if you don't put those buds into something that can control the humidity you run the risk of turning them into hay or having them go moldy. There are hundreds of curing posts and youtube vids on curing.

Baggies that don't seal aren't very useful. You would be better off putting the bowl in a plastic bag or covering it with cling wrap. But you need to keep the humidity in check somehow.


Well-Known Member
If your trying to figure out what the bugs are....obviously pics are good...but take a bud and stick it in a sealed jar with a cotton ball or ball of tissue dipped in rubbing alchohol ...If your a vegetarian I wouldn't smoke it .....hope it wasn't a huge loss ...GL

Never smoke bud that can stare back at you .....famous line from my mentor.


Well-Known Member
rip, throw that buggy moldy shit in the compost.
better controls next time will guarantee better results.