Drying/Effects on sinuses/allergies

If you want a slower dry ( and you do ) trim fans and hang plant whole.
My RH is 50-54% if I trim and dry the buds dry in 3 days, if I hang whole it takes 5 days and the buds will still be slightly damp.
Then I trim buds off plant and throw into a brown paper bag top folded tight for another
3-5 days gently tossing the buds daily.
Then I go to the jar and burp once every other day for 15-30 minutes depending on bud density and size. No hay smell for sure.
Humidity where you dry should be between 40 & 50 % mold happens above 60. You can test your conditions here dpcalc.org

Cannabis has 2 varieties vasodilator or vasoconstrictor one opens sinuses, one closes sinuses, I mostly grow vasoconstrictors as they open sinuses. It's a strain/genetic thing, ya just gotta find the best ones "for you" :)

Best advice in the thread goes to Polo the Don

I've only had the hay smell 1 time and it was with my first grow...I believe it was caused by impatience. My LH smells so good it makes me want to just take a bite right off the branch! Maybe I just love my weed too much. The two strains I run were rated at 20%+ THC and hence the reason I picked them. I probably need to quit for a while and let my tolerance dissipate cause I haven't really been able to get high like I used to. A month and a half ago I laid down a couple bills and got the Pax vaporizer and it only made my sinuses worse. 3 hits off that thing and all that shit starts up and the water flow starts out the nose and down the back of the throat....coughing, hacking, snotting everywhere almost to the point of dry heaving everytime I smoke. I'm literally surprised that I don't get dehydrated with all the snot I spit. Enough of the gross shit tho, my last ditch effort I ordered a bit of pure sativas for my next long season and will be experimenting after I make some bho and possibly some shatter this weekend to see if that helps. If it does it's most likely the terps doing this to me cause I think the terps are destroyed during the process.
On the drying/curing....still working out the wrinkles, but I'm satisfied so far with my method but the humidity levels I have to deal with are pretty extreme. The RH is almost always 70-90% where I live and rarely below 70% as we also get between 100-130 inches of rain a year and we probably get 75% of that just in the winter months.
I hope you guys aren't smoking mold. I have a buddy that is smoking mold because he is too cheap to throw it away. In my experience, my friends that ruin the taste of their weed is due to bagging/jarring it too soon while it is still too wet. For me it's a fine line between too damp and too dry and crumbly. You live and learn. If you jar it too wet, it will taste like hay and worst case will mold on you.