Drying for Bho run


I have been making Bho for less than a year so I'm still relatively new to this & being from Australia where most people have not even herd of it its hard to get good help sometimes. My question is does it matter how you dry your buds & trim that you are going to blast. I know for buds that you are going to smoke need a good amount of time to dry then time to cure before smoking. But does it matter for when you make Bho. Also could you use a vacuum chamber to dry buds & trim for Bho.


Well-Known Member
I have been making Bho for less than a year so I'm still relatively new to this & being from Australia where most people have not even herd of it its hard to get good help sometimes. My question is does it matter how you dry your buds & trim that you are going to blast. I know for buds that you are going to smoke need a good amount of time to dry then time to cure before smoking. But does it matter for when you make Bho. Also could you use a vacuum chamber to dry buds & trim for Bho.
I'm growing my first crop and I've NEVER made oil
having said that I do read and research a hell of a lot about different aspects of cultivation and related subjects.
That's my full disclosure out there....

I believe the main purpose of this is to get out as much of the chlorophyll as possible
WITHOUT degrading the THC, CBD, CBG....(the good bits).
Chlorophyll is the main offender for causing a bad taste in smoke.

I would imagine that it's equally important to reduce chlorophyll levels in material that's going to be used for oil extraction
than it is in the material being prepared simply to smoke.


Well-Known Member
I make mine bone dry, in fact my trim in sitting in a kiddy pool with a fan on it right now, i wait about 7 days till it turns to dust in my fingers, then i pack in tubes freeze and blast


Hey twitch have you tried putting some of your trim in a vacuum chamber to dry. Also what % are you getting from your runs, I'm finding it hard to get 10%



Well-Known Member
Dry like normal. I use a blender in final stage to get the material where I want it. The drier the better IMO. I try to freeze my material and butane as well. Nice and golden. I have not tried fresh and frozen yet, but plan on doing so soon. I've noticed the end result tastes exactly like the starting material if done properly.



Well-Known Member
A benefit of dry product is you are actually running more product when it's dry. You lose 75% moisture weight and a lot of volume when you dry your material first.

So say you have 5 lbs of wet frozen trim..That would take a long time and a lot of butane to extract the oil from it because it takes up a lot of space in the tubes etc.
But for that same amount of trim when you dry it you would end up with only around 1.25 lbs of material to fill your tubes up with and run tane through.
A lot less time to run, and a lot less tane to use to extract.


Well-Known Member
I have been making Bho for less than a year so I'm still relatively new to this & being from Australia where most people have not even herd of it its hard to get good help sometimes. My question is does it matter how you dry your buds & trim that you are going to blast. I know for buds that you are going to smoke need a good amount of time to dry then time to cure before smoking. But does it matter for when you make Bho. Also could you use a vacuum chamber to dry buds & trim for Bho.
We remove the fan leaves and hang them in a cool dry place until the small stems snap, about 5/7 days depending on humidity.

Drier and you also evaporate off more of the monoterpenes giving it its flavor and aroma.

You can also chop it up fresh cut in about 1/4 - 1/2" chunks, pack in a thermos, and freeze, for extraction with chilled butane, to get even more monoterpene retention.