Drying in 70% humidity? Can I use a regular household fridge instead?


Active Member
I've cut & wet-trimmed one of my plants &, at the moment, have the buds hanging in a ventilated cardboard box.
Unfortunately, with the seasonal change here, the humidity's gone up.


I've been reading about people using fridges & was wondering if the regular household food fridge would be OK?
I've actually found a different spot in the flat & the humidity is down to 66%, during the day.

Still high but it was 75 at one point!!
The hygrometer is right next to the cardboard box. When it's slightly open the humidity rises a little.
Do you think that's due to the moisture releasing & in time it'll drop?
What temps and humidity do you have in your fridge? You need to put the hygrometer in there to know how it compares.

Drying in a fridge is possible, perhaps it's better than your current conditions. No way to know unless you measure.
I would check the dew point with your figures. That's what all the new tech is using for drying curing. Dewpoint of 56 I think is the magic number, or at least a good starting point. I'll be starting this process in a few weeks myself. Good luck, keep us posted.
I think your 20c/70% humidity location is better than your 5c/60% humidity location.

You can't really get bud rot at 5c as far as I know, but other molds can infect your bud if kept wet for long I believe. (It would stay wet really long in a fridge at 5c and 60% humidity, and would take almost 3 weeks to dry.

Your room, while not ideal, is closer to ideal. It's not great, but not horrible either. You'd benefit from a small dehumidifier.
I think your 20c/70% humidity location is better than your 5c/60% humidity location.

You can't really get bud rot at 5c as far as I know, but other molds can infect your bud if kept wet for long I believe. (It would stay wet really long in a fridge at 5c and 60% humidity, and would take almost 3 weeks to dry.

Your room, while not ideal, is closer to ideal. It's not great, but not horrible either. You'd benefit from a small dehumidifier.

I actually have a dehumidifier but my wife's freaking out about energy costs - kind of a knock-on effect from buying the LED grow lamp, which she was also kinda displeased about.

So, it seems the average readings I'm getting in the room they're in at the moment are 15°C/63%. I'll stick with that.
Put the buds in a brown paper bag or smaller cardboard box (pizza box style) if you go to a fridge. As long as it is a newer fridge it should be frost free and very low moisture. You'll have to turn the buds once in awhile to keep them from getting flat spots. It's actually done by many and called the Lotus Drying method. There are You tube videos on it and even some write ups if you Google Lotus Drying Method.