Drying in a lighted room?


Active Member
I know everybody says to dry in a dark room, but I'm wondering if it really matters if it is dark.
Does/has anybody dried in a room with a light on?
Used the closet for years (attached to the grow room), it has been left open a few times over the years, Some buds come out pretty dry compared to others, some change looks a little, but for personal i have never really noticed a difference.
I prefer to dry in the dark but like he said sometimes ya dont have that much room and they have to be in the light.If at all possible do it in the dark for even drying and curing.It sux to spend all that time for a less than perfect product.Even if its only for you ya need to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
I can cure in the dark, but I don't have a dark place with ventilation for drying. I'm thinking about hanging buds in the space at the top of my closet so at least the buds won't be in direct light even if it's not that dark.
If it were me, I'd at least try to do the best bits in the dark. You could cut out most of the ends out of the box and make simple baffles to keep the light out while allowing air flow. The baffles are just cardboard you duct tape together.

I attached a cartoon of what I mean, light can't go around the corners so well but you still have airflow which you could enhance with a small fan if you needed to. It would be a way to do at least some of it.

believe us if this would have worked OP the whole horticulture community would have known about it ages ago, dont try and develop some brand spanking new way, your going to ruin your harvest friend, stick to what the pro's have tolden you and the countless of published articles regarding drying methods. Your gonna kill those trichomes man, dont do it.
It's not "brand new", I've heard of people drying in the same room they grow in with out problems. It's UV that breaks down trichomes which, in my situation, won't be present in a large enough amount to affect anything.
What I'm asking is if anybody here does it or has does it.