Drying in Small Tent with NO Ventilation? Portable Fan Vs. Tent Screen Vs ?


New Member
So I am a Legal MMJ Card Holder, with a few small plants outdoor in the forest on my land. My Grandparents live in my house at the moment and are unaware of the Medicinal situation. So I am having to dry in a small 2-Person tent near my grow. I have the tent covered with a camouflage cover that makes inside rather dark, as well as no ventilation. Will these Plants be fine in the tent as long as no more than four ounces are drying at a time, and are trimmed nicely, as well as spaced as much as possible on the fishing lines strung out inside the tent. I am mainly worried about Mold..... Can I make a make a Portable Fan? OR put something in the tent to lower humidity? I have one small 12v PC fan rigged to a 9v Battery, and can make one or two more, but I am unsure about the duration of battery life... Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
yes that sounds fine, a two man tent with 4 oz lol
how humid is the tent to start with, i mean if its outside and it starts raining lol the air will become very humid and it will be cold
it will take a long time to dry, mold can occur quickly on bud when drying in humid air over 10 days

still, you can dry in a fully closed space if you use something like a sand/silica gel mix
it takes ages for the buds to dry, but they do look pretty lol, many of the hairs stay white or turn slightly pink instead of going brown/orange

you can put all the buds in a sealed box with silica gel at the bottom do not let the bud touch the silica gel, it will take 3 weeks to dry
