Drying marijuana


Hi, I am just wondering if there are any known health issues related to hanging/drying marijuana, before put into jars to cure. Possibly anything that might affect children?



Well-Known Member
uummm what? as long as ur area is clean of bactiera and anything dirty u should be alright.


Well-Known Member
anything not air is usually bad for any organism, if theres alot of fumes in ur area i wouldnt dry there. I think im misunderstanding ur question.


Well-Known Member
the plants dont put off fumes that are dangerous if thats what your asking, and you dont want to dry them in a room with lots of fumes that could be absorbed by the plants either


Active Member
Yea hes asking about it being safe to have large quantities of Marijuana near children.

I would advise against this...Not only is it dangerous for small children to consume....But also, you dont want to have large amounts near children, or their clothes, or anything they would use or wear...or your clothes and things you use even...

I've heard of parents being busted because their kids' clothes and backpacks smelled of weed....So you want to avoid a lot of smells near people.