Drying outdoors


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody so i got 31 plants that are gonna be comming down here in a week has anybody ever dried outdoors im thinking about using a tent and making a big tent out of camo tarps along with propane heaters for night and battery powered fans for night when its sealed up to keep the rain out ideas or input i would apreciate it i know the cartels do it but have any of you.


Well-Known Member
I'm drying in a barn with two open sides that I cannot shut. I have a fan up there but I doubt I'll need it. I'm trying to slow the process down. Hung a tarp to stop the air flow on one side. Don't use the heater unless there's an issue. Rosenthal recommends keeping temps below 70 so the terpenes don't evaporate, leading to a harsher taste.


Active Member
drying outside letting the dew from the morning get your buds will mold really bad. make sure they dont get wet like that.