Drying Questions 1st time poster!!!


For my purposes curing is not the best opition. I have been hanging for 3 days then going straight to ziplock storage bags and putting them in the freezer (set above freezing level). I always seem to have a "musty" smell and "harsh" taste. What am I doing wrong? I want the funk smell and taste!!!


Active Member
those buds arnt even close to dry after only 3 days
if you want the funk you gotta cure it, it should hang at least 10 days, if the stems dont snap, wait another couple days


ok ok... so i should let it hang longer for sure. is there a quick way to cure it after letting it hang? like i said for my purposes the longer i have to wait the more it hurts. i got a chocolate chunk indica strain going now 8 weeks into flowering. hope to post some pics here soon. but i do not want it to smell musty.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

You need to find some patience. Curing is probably the most important part of the entire grow. All your growing time is wasted if you dont dry and then cure properly.

Grow out a few autos and then you'll have some stash in hand. That will allow you time to let the good stuff cure ;)


Well-Known Member
dont put in freezer either unless u have to i noticed thAT freezer weed comes out smelling bad, and wet cuz it was frozen then thawed so theiris moisture back in the weed, get jars and cure and the average drying time is 5-7 days depending on temp and air flow just check every day and when the branches snap start to cure, never freezer in my eyes also can make it turn a unnatural purple or black


So to go from the drying process to curing process what are the steps to take to get it done? I def cannot cure for a month, but can do a week or two. Do i go from trimming to brown paper bags for two days? And then after that is it just a matter of jarring it up and opening the lids everyday for a week or two? Also, is it ok to just bag it and store in dark cool place? is that better than freezer? Thanks for all your help guys!!!


Well-Known Member
Have you read the above advice at all? Curing properly is a necessity to good, clean, smooth smoke. There are no shortcuts. If that doesn't suit you or fit into your plans, then you're stuck with harsh, nasty smoke, and you just have to deal with it. You asked for advice, got it, yet refuse to take it on board. Baggies are not the best idea either, mason jars or some other glass bottle/jar is the best for the actual curing, but you most likely won't listen to that either and just keep posting the same questions hoping someone will tell you something different. Good luck.


No No, I am sorry if I came off like that. I did not intend to. I am listening and taking in all advice given, just simply asking for more. I am getting ready to cut down in about a week, and want to know the best process to take after letting it dry for a week. Should it then be placed into brown bags for a few days before curing? Also, during curing, is it juts a matte of opening the jars a few times a day and mixing up its contents??


Well-Known Member
Paper bags will shorten the actual drying time because of the absorbency of the bag, it will draw moisture from the buds. This can be a help in areas where the humidity is higher than most. Hang for 5-10 days, or you can paper bag it to shorten it a few days, but it really is the curing that makes it. You sound like you know what to do, but just want to rush it. We all get impatient, but it's the patience that pays off in the end and makes it all worth it. If it's your personal smoke, you can cheat the cure a bit now and then, just to have something to smoke, but it really does get better after 30-60 days or longer. If you plan on selling it, I'd still say at least a decent two week cure so as not to piss people off. Don't know your situation, just gathering what I could from your initial post, but you seem rushed, and that's not a good thing for the girls. Hope everything goes well, let us know .