Drying/Smoking the Frosty Leaves?


i would say it depends on strain and curing time, my friend gave me all the trim he had from two white strain (possibly w rhino) plants i was supposed to make hash of it but left it to cure for almost half year after the cure the leaves tasted really good and sweet, no bitternes at all i was really suprised anyway i cherry picked all the frosty ones and smoked them as it is and made hash from the rest of the leaves, quite potent stuff too ive heard all white strains have unusualy potent leaves?


Active Member
Right now my critical+ and diesel bud have leaves so covered in res they look more white than green. What do I do? Pull them off BUT I keep them for sure! I would and have smoked the leaves and you know what my leaves are better than the garbage for sale on the streets (i'm in australia not cali...). ONLY REASON I separate them the leaf from the bud is the taste is a bit more acrid than the bud- so i'd rather enjoy the bud pure and yum and if i run out or want a quick joint or what ever I can smoke the leaf by itself and get high and still like it, just more harsh and not as tasty.
One thing I would say though if you are smoking the leaves then cut them in half sort of. I find on the bigger leaves the res is thickest to half way then gets thinner untill maybe no visible res on the tips. If you want to smoke it straight just cut the un-resinous tips of each leaf.

Bottom line is high is good - taste ranges from not as good to a bit harsh

Critcal + whats that???? I have Critcal Mass.... is it the same???? Thanks alot

just as an FYI i took trim off my plant (fan leaves and freshly fimmed tops) thats about 2 weeks into flower, put leaves in a metal tray in the oven on 200 for 10 minutes, smokes like butter, and im high as christ. #winning
I'm not tossing anything but sticks, stems, stalk, fan leaves,dirt and rootball. The nice frosty leaves right up close to the bud smoke smooth and rich if it's dried slowly and cured like your buds are. A bit harsher but damn good if you find yourself out of bud. Gets ya up there, no problemo.


Well-Known Member
When I harvest, my trimmings are divided 3 ways, fan leaves are thrown away. I separate buds, popcorn, and leaf trim. I keep the buds, the popcorn, and send all trim out for extractions. I keep the popcorn to play with by making dry ice kief, dry sieve kief, and qwiso. Sometimes I give away some popcorn to people in need.