Drying temps ok ?


Well-Known Member
hang drying in closet

humidity 61
temps 65-72

are these temps ok for drying.

also have a fan goin in the closet to move air. not hitting buds tho


Well-Known Member
You will find lots of different opinions. I just finished my second crop of 10 and they came out awesome. I dried them hot for the first day and a half because the buds were real wet with the rain here even though they were covered. The temp was around 80 and dehumidifier set at 50%. Also had lots of air movement I lowered the temp then to the 70's until I pulled them. I asked a friend that has been growing for 35 years how people dried big wet outdoor bud at low temps without mold and he said they don't, they are liars. My weed smells sweet and tastes good. This is a random sample that appears not to have been trimmed by the same person.
