Drying Time?


So I had some major problems with a lot of my crop and had to harvest a little early. Its my very first time, so just a bit lost. I harvested way more than I had time to manicure! But I got it done and they have been drying to days. But they are already kinda cripsy, the stems don't snap, just bend to a 90 then pop. The temp are higher than desired where they are drying, should I leave them a full 7 days?:confused:


So I had some major problems with a lot of my crop and had to harvest a little early. Its my very first time, so just a bit lost. I harvested way more than I had time to manicure! But I got it done and they have been drying to days. But they are already kinda cripsy, the stems don't snap, just bend to a 90 then pop. The temp are higher than desired where they are drying, should I leave them a full 7 days?:confused:


Well-Known Member
So I had some major problems with a lot of my crop and had to harvest a little early. Its my very first time, so just a bit lost. I harvested way more than I had time to manicure! But I got it done and they have been drying to days. But they are already kinda cripsy, the stems don't snap, just bend to a 90 then pop. The temp are higher than desired where they are drying, should I leave them a full 7 days?:confused:
If they're really crispy, put them in a jar with damp paper towel over the opening, and then put the lid on. It may bring it back a little, but it won't let it get any more dry.


Well-Known Member
i only let mine hang dry for about 3 1/2 days before i put them in jars and it turned out perfect


Thank yall! They've been up since Saturday. Going to check on them today but will probly bring them down tomorrow