

Active Member
That's how I plan on drying mine in a couple of weeks time. You have a fan at the bottom of the room? What kind of temps and humidity? U have a carbon filter going? Is it kicking up a pong?


Well-Known Member
You should tell us about your setup. Very nice looking harvest.
my guess is 2 lbs 7 oz.
If my cola had already lost alot of leaves right before harvest, and is a little dry already, can i just hang them for 2 days and stick them right in jars. ?


Well-Known Member
well u have branches hung, iv always heard it was better if you dryed the whole plant?? is there any truth or difference from drying just branches compared to dryin the stalk and all?.


what humidity is good for drying?

ive only read one persons take on this and they said 50% to 60%

right now Im at 46% but its crazy hot outside, good or bad?
im currently building a drying box this is my first grow so its all new but would a plastic storage box with a 4" extractor fan into a carbon filter, string across to hang and a few holes drilled in the oppersite side to the fan work?


Active Member
my guess for weight would be 18 oz dry please put me out my misery whats was your dry weight??