DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
make em feel the back of ur hand if u catch em. Then go down the bl;ock and slap Arjen and franko jus for releasing dodgey genetics into the cannabis world lol.
there are a lot of people that would thank me for that it seems....:mrgreen:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Loving this, mashin it up this morning with the new girls.

So the new clones are settling in I guess. The Thelma clone that was mullered and frazzling up at the edges (honest guv, I didn't do nuffink!!) is getting it's mean green back, slowly but surely. My 3 littel cheese experiements courtesy of the cheese fairy;-) they are either gonna be the end of me (who knows what happens when you piss the cheese fairy off!!!) or they are gonna be the toughest littel critters around. I have sprayed them more times for these crawley mites than I care to remember, but the little fuckers seem to love the kaas!!! Anyway, they are struggling through, if anything the roots are going for it, already out the bottom of the pots....even with their apparrent dinkyness:bigjoint:. The NY47 clone of a clone that was growing single blade leaf's has kicked off and is now kicking out skin divers like naebodies busyness (the NY47 is a sturdy girl for sue, probably got Scottish heritage of some sort, hohohaha) Both the OGK's are looking good, got some TUFCM (tied up female clothed male) action going on with them and they seem to enjoy it. Will be cloning them along with a selection from the others for the future....in a bit. Will be continuing with the veg cycle for a while yet, have reduced number of plants by 50%, increased pot sizes in most case by at least a factor of two (20litre pots on the main for the girls.)

The first NY47 clone is still getting it's time in motion photos taken every day...still a while to go. I will blast up a pic of her along with barbagseed as well in the next update. So here's a couple to get you in the mood for the coming zoo-ness.


OG Kush

Thelma Headband clone


You got 2 Caseys in each corner at the back, a couple of headbands in between (behind the light), a Blackjack down on the basement.
Then in the middle row there's a Thelma HB, a NY47, then 2 HB's,
Then in the fron we got Thelma rejuv stump, a HB, then another Thelm and an OG, the little chavettes at the front are the cheeses...i keep expecting tom come in and them to be drinking Diamond White and wearing hoodies (haha)

Made a nice load of bubblehash yesterday, got around 20 gram from the run from my leaf trimmage. (well the last 2 grams had some leaf matter due to sloppy arse hands here letting the bag slip:finger: haha....still bonging it though.)

Will be collecting a water holder today for my terrace garden I think, as well as a few other bits and bobs.

Have a nice Saturday people. Further updates will follow.

Peace, DST
Perserverence gets you there. Looks like I have managed to get one of these dam Headband-Cali Orange seeds to germ (the little fekker) The other 3 are the DP-Querkles:mrgreen:

im guessing the one with the stick is the cali o hb? The dpq's look vibrent in comparisen lol


Well-Known Member
im guessing the one with the stick is the cali o hb? The dpq's look vibrent in comparisen lol
Mr West, you are very much on the ball this morgen. but yeh, the dpq's are like godzilla vs godzooki..or whatever the fek it was called haha.

I am guessing your lot are still being shy!! Ah well, instead of slapping Arjen and Franko, I'll just go outside and slap masell:mrgreen: Could do with a waking up. So a few more pics I snapped of the veg tent. I snapped, ehm I mean super cropped Barbagseed. Seriously I just snapped it in half it was getting rediculously tall and growing past the big cfl:cuss: Gonna be a giggle to see what comes of this.

See what I mean, it doesn't even fit in the picture after it's been cropped doon, hahaha, skinny lass.:lol:

This is the NY47, really need to look back to see when I put it in 12/12....thse two are just under the 300cfl 6500 and 2 2700's I put in there for a bit of spectrum range. I still need to pick up my other 400hps that's at my mates.

And this is the Anne Frank view:

Right, shower, sh.., shave. Laters peeps.



Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
if you do it just right, you could keep snapping the barbagseed plant so that in the end, it ends up framing the inside of your tent for extra support:razz:

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yes D. the "veg" room is looking a whole load better now bro ;) i'm a little worse for ware, been to a DnB dance 2nite, ended up on bail for speed lol. good night though ;)

hope ur cool bro and ur ladies 2.

*mashed* fingerez lol


Well-Known Member
if you do it just right, you could keep snapping the barbagseed plant so that in the end, it ends up framing the inside of your tent for extra support:razz:
You could be onto something there. Perhaps I could start a whole new tent with it!!!

yes D. the "veg" room is looking a whole load better now bro ;) i'm a little worse for ware, been to a DnB dance 2nite, ended up on bail for speed lol. good night though ;)

hope ur cool bro and ur ladies 2.

*mashed* fingerez lol
Eh mash up kid, hope yer heads alright today. Mine is a bit frazzled after a sesh on the old Dutch ale last night (8% killer Zatte)

Hoping a joint of Thelma is gonna take me back to real frazzled land.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member

Its been a long time....
True indeed DST
Congratulations on the harvest and the new seed ..
Its a blessing ...D your a real pro ....
Knew your gonnna blow since u grew heron beeno....:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Yahhh!!!! let me get an 8er of that og !!!!!!Thanx
(Cheez rides off on his fly new dooombuggy vrrrroooooommmmmm!!!!)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
You could be onto something there. Perhaps I could start a whole new tent with it!!!

Eh mash up kid, hope yer heads alright today. Mine is a bit frazzled after a sesh on the old Dutch ale last night (8% killer Zatte)

Hoping a joint of Thelma is gonna take me back to real frazzled land.

Peace, DST
yeah kinda cool bro lol, ears are still ringing from the music that was one of the loudest systems i've heard in over 10years raving ;)

was drinking myself, amongst other things feeling a bit fragile 2day laying on the sofa with some bubble and a coffee. got the repeats of the boxing at 7pm, although i overheard the coppers talking about the 1st round so kinda know who won ;)

checked my beans this morning there all above ground now but the sage still has her husk on, should i pull it or just wait for it to come off?

edit - who "one" the boxing lol


Well-Known Member
Just leave the husk on Fingerez, it will still be feeding of that.

Sheesh, I don't even know who won the boxing, I am living in a bubble called, Hash at the moment, haha.



Well-Known Member
Just stopping by to window shop. I am calling you Lucky D until you run out of that selections' last nugget.



Well-Known Member
Lucks a funny thing Bender, seems to come in waves for me at the moment. Thanks for stopping by, bru would be good to have some back up when I go to slap Arjen for, Westy hahaha.

Take it easy,



Well-Known Member
would be good to have some back up when I go to slap Arjen for, Westy hahaha.
You still slapping people over there, haha. That bagseed plant is just out of control huh. I love the tent support idea.

How's the NY47 treating you. Is she getting more stinky or anything in the jar?

Happy Monday night my friend,


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn DST you been taking tips on my new patented 'aggressive stress training' tech haha it will be fine plants love being snapped 90 degrees, they like it better if your drunk and calling them bitches.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers! i went through a bit of an obsession with chicks with moustaches then it hit me there must be dogs with them too..

things that run through your brain sometimes eh....


Well-Known Member
You still slapping people over there, haha. That bagseed plant is just out of control huh. I love the tent support idea.

How's the NY47 treating you. Is she getting more stinky or anything in the jar?

Happy Monday night my friend,

The NY47 gets nicer by the day. It's a def keeper. The Blackjack has been a tad disapointing...plus I was told that it smelled like Power Plant by some ersehole of a Dutch grower....again, someone else that promotes the fact that most strains sold these days come with Power Plant thrown in....whatever, should have seen his face when he smelled the OG Kush....haha.

Trying to stay away from slapping people. I find my own bed comfier than the cells, hehe.

cheers! i went through a bit of an obsession with chicks with moustaches then it hit me there must be dogs with them too..

things that run through your brain sometimes eh....
ok, chicks with Snors, interesting. I always remember getting off with this girl from Edinburgh when I was a young teenager, to this day I will not forget that stubbly kiss!!!:shock:

mr west

Well-Known Member
eeeeew stubbely kisses from a girls not good, nice or appealing. Be a while b4 i get it out my mind now lol eewww


Well-Known Member
I know, and I ended up loosing my steady girl because of that blue top lip.....ah well, your only young once, haha.