Dtw kit

I did buy a more expensive pump and planned to swap it out, but the one that came with it seems fine.

Also my lines are all sealed, so if the pump did fail the water would backup in the pvp pipe and them back into my trays, which hold a lot of water on their own. I would notice before there was an huge overflow.

This is also my setup and everyone's is different. They were definitely concerns I had. I may swap out the pumps if I go on vacation though. Actually now that I think about it I may tie in another box that would act as a backup. They are only 28 bucks and it would he pretty easy.
Couldn't you just use a "little giant" pump?
Little Giant VCMA-20ULS 115 Volt, 80 GPH, 1/30 HP Automatic Condensate Removal Pump with Safety Switch, White/Black, 554425 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000SM342Q/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_R4W4RE487VH5EZPJ9C1H?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yes, but currently each plant has it's own individual drain res, so I would need one for each plant unless I plumb them all together. I think I'm going to set up a flood table soon though instead.
I've used regular timers with 1min interval times and with second intervals the second intervals makes life so much easier.

You have to allow enough time to lapse before you can run the 1 min interval again, then you have to calculate it so that the only 10/20% runs out.

It's not a simple job to calculate it especially during vigorous growth periods, you can't beat a timer with second intervals you simply add/deduct 5/15/30% with seconds.
Because I can get a flood table to cover the same area for the same cost on materials, which already includes a drain, and I don't have to do a bunch of labor to set up a gutter system.

Oh, gotcha. Ya they do make the low tide ones too, that are perfect DTW pans for small footprints. I just know they can really add up when buying a whole stack of flood trays, especially if shipped, and i'm to chumpy to fork out like that, lol.

DTW, there is usually no cause for concern about the plastics leaching or recirulating anything toxic back into the res..

That's why I usually skip buying something new, and rather repurpose things when possible. I wouldn't stick garbage in there either..

I've even collected free truck bed liners off craigslist/marketplace, and cut the bottom sections out like panels. The most rugged slanted DTW tray liners you could ask for, and couldn't even buy, for free! Gas is is expensive to drive around right now though..

A guy could save 1000's using $20 PVC panels and cheap/free framing lumber\gutters in larger spaces. That's 16 sq ft of coverage per panel, and minus loads of drains and plumbing. You can go lengthwise along walls to and only use a 2 ft gutter, or directly into a longer than 24" tote, skipping the gutter altogether.

Compare that to any other trays!