Dual Areoponic Cabinet Build

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I wasn't surprised at your newest creation being so bad ass! That is amazing what you did with the refrig., i would never thought of that. On my way to the journal now....

Ha, Did you think you were the only one whos been buzy?

Great job on the SOG man.
lol....i knew better than that. I knew that dream team was gonna be beautiful in that spot from the first day you posted pics of them.
Great job man, if i could rep ya i would, but it might be awhile.

The SOG was a little more tricky than i thought, trying to keep it the same height. I dont have much more height to play with. Above my big ones in flower, the light has about 6 inches between the top of the cabinet.
Im ready for an upgrade!!!
glad i got to join in right for the beginning stage to see all this go down im stoked. never goten to watch a aero grow yet. so scribed for sure and rep+ for the hard work and great setup!
glad i got to join in right for the beginning stage to see all this go down im stoked. never goten to watch a aero grow yet. so scribed for sure and rep+ for the hard work and great setup!

Right on man, You are most welcome.

This is the build, The link to the grow in in my sig.
See ya there!
Great ideas and documentation. I had been looking at cabinets on-line and found Tennsco's seemed to look just right in my mind for this. Then I come here and search for Tennsco and up pops your thread! Going to save me a lot of work at some point.

I had two questions I didn't see asked/answered though:

  1. What tool(s) did you use to modify the cabinet? I'm not all that experienced in the cutting of steel and don't know that I have the right tools.
  2. Are you doing any type of odor control? I'm trying to determine what size carbon filter I should be looking at for a cabinet 36x24x78. Based on my calculations, I think I could go with one of the smaller filters.

lookin good man...i wanted to make my cabinet out of one of the metal ones like you did but i couldnt find any :( anyways im pullin up a chair on this one....im going to be starting a hydro setup here soon too i cant wait....
Hey buds,

To make the round cuts in the sheet metal I used a hole saw, its goes on the end of a 1/2 in drill. its about $30 attachment.
Then I used a jig saw with a metal blade for the square cuts. I started the hole with a drill bit large enough for the blade.

For odor control I have purchased a carbon filter that goes on hepa air filters.
Actually it is a carbon pre-filter and only about 1/2 in thick. It comes in a sheet I cut to size and place inside the grill
of the fan above the light. So far so good. I plan on replacing it after every grow. For about $10 I can cut 3 or 4 of them.

lookin good man...i wanted to make my cabinet out of one of the metal ones like you did but i couldnt find any :( anyways im pullin up a chair on this one....im going to be starting a hydro setup here soon too i cant wait....

Cool, Then you are going to want to check out the grow.
This is just the build.

Its the last link in my sig. I am in week 4 of flower right now.

Hey buds,

To make the round cuts in the sheet metal I used a hole saw, its goes on the end of a 1/2 in drill. its about $30 attachment.
Then I used a jig saw with a metal blade for the square cuts. I started the hole with a drill bit large enough for the blade.​

Cool man, thanks. Good to know you didn't need anything too crazy for the job. I was worried I was going to need one of those plasma cutters.​
That there is my goal, well done!

I'm not a tidy person, but I dislike buying/making things that are messy or condusive to mess. That cabinet is an extremely tidy DIY job and you've got my +rep for it :) The only thing I dislike as that with most DIY DWC, the netpots are loose and dont sit in the holes. This means that light can more easily make its way into the res, and though the canopy prevents a lot of this, I don't like it. Thought of any solutions?
That there is my goal, well done!

I'm not a tidy person, but I dislike buying/making things that are messy or condusive to mess. That cabinet is an extremely tidy DIY job and you've got my +rep for it :) The only thing I dislike as that with most DIY DWC, the netpots are loose and dont sit in the holes. This means that light can more easily make its way into the res, and though the canopy prevents a lot of this, I don't like it. Thought of any solutions?

Sure, I drilled the hole slightly smaller then the edge of the net pot then shaved the hole with an exacto blade so the pots fit snug. You can turn the lid upside down and they stay in. Then for inside the net pot it depends on what you use to support the cutting. If you use a rooter plug wrap foam around it. If you use the neoprene collars they fit tight already. Really that is not an issue. Also I found by wrapping the tub with mylar attached with spray glue blocks all the light.
lookin good cruzer very clean setup. u sayin u have a diff grow thread then this? maybe thsat why im lost haha
Hey You Made it!
I saw your post in the grow thread. Cool Man.

Yea, the build was long so I posted it by itself. In the grow room design and build section. Maybe it was not such a good idea, You are not the only one that didnt find it right away. So I did everything I could to link to it. Even made the pic in my sig link to it hehe.
this is just incredible! amazing work! :D

Thanks motz, It took me a while to choose the size cab and the type of ventilation but once I had that pictured it all came together pretty quickly, well the chiller was a minor setback.

You may enjoy the grow journal. I am a couple weeks to harvest now.

Just click the picture below for link.
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