Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

yo bro, after seein ya mad green house I thought id come over, :-) shame bout them mites mate, ya seem on top of em though! how do ya find the CMH bulb? wicked grow!
Hey man, Thanks for checking it out.
I really like that CMH bulb. I'm gonna stick with it for my indoor.
I did a comparison, well it wasn't true cause I had mildew on the second but that CMH bulb does make more trichomes.
ta man, nice to know thanks :-) I never tend to trust the adverts, profer what someone who uses thinks. might have to try one, lol
Checked on the girls this morning and didn't see very many ladybugs. Gonna look closer tonight when the lights go on.
The powdery mildew has just exploded in the floro cab. I hit it hard with Organocide, I hate doing that but I figure I will give it a chance. If nothing else I will see how well it works. I pulled the BB mum out of there, she was on the lower shelf and didnt have any mildew but didnt want to take the chance. She is going in the green house.
Temps 74°
Humidity 58%
PPMs 860 PH 5.8

Looks like some of the ladybugs lived. I seen some chomping away,


Some on guard,


Some on patrol, The trichs dont seem to slow them down much.


Then some just takin in the rays,


I think its cool. I would have liked to have more of them live but I watched them and they get around pretty good.
Maybe they will make a difference.

The girls are filling out, I got some long buds this time around,


Closer shot,

My humidity has been rising so I added that little dehumidifer I got.
See how well that works.

Yea I'm in the home stretch, just a couple weeks to go.
The pistils started to turn a couple days ago and I got some cloudy trichomes. This should be a good one.
Cool, That dehumidifer brought the humidity down to 39% and I got those floros on the timer. If anything they will help prevent that mildew.


See how much water it took out of the air?
Thats 24 hours.


About a half inch on the bottom of the blue res.
Wow full overnight? You might even need a little bigger one eh? Or a second little one maybe.

No Not full overnight, I didnt empty it from the night before... I figured 1/4 in 24hrs I would have plenty of room.

hey buddy hows it smoken? perrty good here i would say.

Yea, perrty good here too. I jump back and forth between strains I have curring.
I just went through some of that stinky widow I grew last year. Still Stinky! LOL
OK, so back to the mite thing. The lady buds are gone.I only found one last night and she was dead. I think I will get a screen for my light before I get any more. I think a bunch toasted themselves. So today I got two Doktor doom foggers. I popped off one and am going to use the next one in a week or so. I havent used them before but it was easy, no left over smell either.

Heres a shot of the little fuckers lookin under my leaf for a nesting site. They are dead but the eggs are there in the lower leaf.




That second can of Doom. I remember hearing you can bust off the sprayer nozzle and replace it with one that closes.
Like a spray can. Anybody ever try that?​
yep seen that in mine barn, little bastards. i use those foggers to. i just bought some stuff at almart it a nite killer.and ok to use on fruits and flowers, im giving it a try. i only spray the leaves that have them on them, keeping spray wat from buds when use. Botanical insectkides, Houseplant & Garden insect killer. Use indoor and outdoors. use up to day of harvest, kills aphids, Mealybugg,mites ,japanese Beetles. Garden safe, it says.
Cool, I'll take a nozzle off another spray can and use it that way. Spray the bottom stuff and close the doors.
This last time I opened up the cabs and sealed the room up and let it go.