Dual hose AC


Well-Known Member
i need to use dual hole AC units for my grow. Can't get a mini split I've already tried unfortunately it's not an option.

My question is can I use a booster fan on the exhaust hose to help with longer runs?

I was thinking of using 3 dual hose AC units each of them have a 150mm hose.

I could then use a dual wye 110mm branch to connect all the AC unit hoses to and then the fastest inline fan I can find to suck all the air out as fast as possible.

Has anyone tried anything like this?

I exhaust into a chimney and there's no way I can make the whole bigger to accommodate 3 150mm hoses so this was my next option I could think of.

That could work. What else do you have running in the chimney? Most chimneys are 6" so a 6" high speed fan is easy to get at a grow shop. You might need to some maths. A 6" fan is in the 400-500cfm range. Can that keep up with 3 -6" A/C exhaust fans dumping into the pipe without creating back pressure? This is unfiltered air? Could be smelly. Look at insulated 6" ductwork piping. If it cools down to much before it exist the building it will condensate and cause moisture.
The chimney is that wide but the amount of bricks I can knock out limits me to 150mm.

I can't find a double wye that is bigger than 110mm.

So I might get a double wye connect all the 150mm ductwork to it with clamps and then have a 150mm exhaust sucking the air through the 110mm double wye and into the chimney.

It's unfiltered air but it's a double hose AC so the air isn't coming from the room it's coming from the outside.

No back pressure should be made since the fan is sucking the air equally from all 3 ac units due to the double wye.

I just hope it's fast enough to keep the AC running efficiently

I can get a 500 m3/h 6 inch exhaust to suck the cool outside air through the ductwork then through the AC unit and straight into the chimney.

Does anyone think this might cause problems?
A better idea would be to build a duct box on to the back of a window shaker ac sitting in your room. Let me see if I can dig up a link... https://www.rollitup.org/t/convert-window-ac-to-portable-ac.668832/
Howd you get MY pics of my a.c. built box? I nixed that idea, as the exhaust box was too small and creating a very dangerous high temp issue, even with an 8" 720cfm fan inline with the exhaust I have.

To the OP, YES you can use a fan to help the exhaust outside if using longer than the oem exhaust tube. I currently use one with my 14k portable a.c. u to.
.STAY FAR FAR FAR AWAY FROM ACRIVE AIR 14K BRI DUAL HOSE AC. They are utter garbage and worthless. Couldn't even bring my.81* lung room down to 75*
window shaker AC's are the most efficient, and you can use larger, insulated ducting than what you can get on a dual hose portable. Wether it works or not depends on a lot of variables. I've never tried it personally, just read that it works. I googled those pics, if dude above says the box was too small, maybe he's right. It might also help to have the air coming into the box pointed at the coils to create turbulence, instead of blowing straight up and out. I believe the box in the one pic just doesnt have the exhaust hose connected to the flange. Its really a dual hose.

Window AC's and dual hose portables will still exhaust some room air unless you get in there and seal them up. There are threads on that , too

there's a thread showing someone making the inside of their window ac more airtight using plastic or cardboard and tape, but I can't find it atm.
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