DubB83's Method of Easy Cloning W/ ZipLock Bags and Rockwool (NOT DIALUP FRIENDLY)


Well-Known Member
Let's talk about mold. I decided not to treat it as I already have a problem in my current system. There are many ways to treat it, my favorite way is to add a couple of cap fulls of 3% H2O2 to a gallon of RO water and add to the plants.

35% FG H2O2 is hard to come by in my area so I make due.

The clones have survived this long even in the dark dead plant buckets.
I never opened the bags and was surprised to see them still putting up a fight, under optimal circumstances they would have healthy roots and be placed in my system by now.

I decided I owed the readers of the thread some more explanation and pictures.

Aeroponic cloning is complexly more simple and I suggest researching the subject.

iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
yo this works i just had succeess with two of em in my journal and waiting for two more to sprout roots.
THanks DubBB3's
oh yea and i only used water and jiffy pellet peats.