DUCK & COVER: California missile launch remains a mystery 'unexplained,' ICBM ...

Maybe we should stop watching so much crap on tv and in movies, or at least be able to tell it apart from reality. here is what really happened taken from cbs news, but this guy has been on most major news sources. but of course the crazies will believe whatever they want to believe:

Mick West, who runs a website devoted to CONTRAILS, knew it was an airplane the moment he saw the video.

"It's coming more or less straight towards you and it's in level flight," says West. "It's not climbing. It's not descending. It's probably around 35,000 feet."

How can that be when it looks for all the world as if it's climbing into space?

"The same CONTRAIL that looks like a rocket - from the side it, just looks like a CONTRAIL passing by," says West.

On viewing the video of the mystery missile, West has an answer.

"I've got a fairly good idea that it was U.S. Airways flight 808 from Hawaii," he says. "Honolulu to Phoenix."

A webcam photo of flight 808 taken Tuesday evening compared to a still frame from the mystery video shot Monday evening looks virtually identical.

Maybe the Pentagon could use a few good CONTRAIL watchers like Mick West.
Maybe we should stop watching so much crap on tv and in movies, or at least be able to tell it apart from reality. here is what really happened taken from cbs news, but this guy has been on most major news sources. but of course the crazies will believe whatever they want to believe: Maybe the Pentagon could use a few good CONTRAIL watchers like Mick West.

The pentagon already has a good contrail watcher mouth-piece in Mr. West, altho I see no credentials attached to his name other than "Contrail watcher" - how about someone with some bonifide experience?

KFMB showed video of the apparent missile to former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Robert Ellsworth, who is also a former Deputy Secretary of Defense, to get his thoughts. "It's spectacular… It takes people's breath away," said Ellsworth, calling the projectile, "a big missile".

Then there's this - Doug Richardson, the editor of Jane’s Missiles and Rockets examined the video for the Times of London and said he was left with little doubt.

"It’s a solid propellant missile," he told the Times. "You can tell from the efflux [smoke]." Richardson said it could have been a ballistic missile launched from a submarine or an interceptor, the defensive anti-missile weapon used by Navy surface ships

That really takes the wind out of the Professional Contrail watcher's sail dosen't it
PS. Tell the puppet master we aren't buying the propoganda.
anyone find it a strange coincidence that the missle shot up as soon as bush came out and started doing interviews about his new book!!!!

Bush did it!!!

Bush Lied some assholes died and now 50 Million previously enslaved people are free to consolidate thier freedom

Bush shot that missle from his secret personal Presidential Nukleur sub as a warning to all the haters

every former pres gets thier own free nucleur sub after they leave office

jimmy Carter ruined his by trying to make it Green and Earth freindly, his now only fires fire works designed to woo people into being nice to each other


now obama your the man of the house, your a big boy now take care of your momma

the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon

Yea...I know, aint that a bitch? They're gonna be pissed when they find out the 72 virgins were pulled from the star trek convention... :p
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw that episode of Family Guy!:lol:

That's no missle... it's the contrails of an Boeing!

Have seen the exact same thing from the cockpit many times.

From the ground, you can equate it to the moon when it's on the horizon, it is HUGE and looks only a 1000 miles away... however it is still the same distance from Earth as it would be if it were a small dot way high in the night sky.

OR if you don't believe me...


and flight path information for a UPS flight imposed onto the image...

That's no missle... it's the contrails of an Boeing!

Have seen the exact same thing from the cockpit many times.

From the ground, you can equate it to the moon when it's on the horizon, it is HUGE and looks only a 1000 miles away... however it is still the same distance from Earth as it would be if it were a small dot way high in the night sky.

OR if you don't believe me...


and flight path information for a UPS flight imposed onto the image...

Man, you know I am not a conspiracy person at all but some of the video I saw it looked like there were flames, like a rocket or missile. I've never seen a commercial airliner with an afterburner!:shock:
Man, you know I am not a conspiracy person at all but some of the video I saw it looked like there were flames, like a rocket or missile. I've never seen a commercial airliner with an afterburner!:shock:

I haven't seen any video, but the sun can play funny tricks with the underside of an airplane...

the reason I 100% don't believe it is a missile is because of my own personal experience, and the fact that there are other nations with systems in place to detect missile launches like this, and none of these nations have come out and asked or said anything really...

I do believe if we started firing missiles without warning anyone, it would be world headlines.
once again another paranoid delusion explained with simple science. you know reading some of these threads here really affirm the "paranoid stoner" stereotype. its seems like there is a constant stream of conspiracy theory wingnuts spewing their illogical vitriol all over the place. who exactly is they? who is the puppet master? these are all intentionally vague evil figures used to make people believe bullshit. it reminds me of threats of satan from the religious nutsos.
theres a little truth in everything but humans exaggerate a lot, rumor mills were how information was passed from one region to the other before technology

even today in war zones or anywher rumers run rampant, with the internet these rumer mills can travel around the world in 80 seconds

but there are puppet masters, agendas and fucked up people everywhere, the difference between a poor fucked up person and a super rich fucked up person is that the super rich have tremdous power and influance and are higher above the law than the poor fucked up people

most of the mega rich didnt get there because they are honest human beings, its usually the opposite, behind every great fortune is a great crime, well that should be the sart mans assumption at least

even your most kind hearted seeming super rich idividual can have a dark and secret skeleton hidden deep deep deep in his 400 sq ft closet

they say only the good die young cuz if you live long enough you are no good the world has a way of making us unpure selfish mean

its the only way to survive.

I believe there are answers, but they cannot exist because its not in a humans nature to allow them to exist longer than a human lifspan

because as one man is replaced by his son and his son etc, you cannot control the variables. and even if you could the answers could still not survive when resources are not unlimited

ok and yes im fucked up right now if your wondering lol

once again another paranoid delusion explained with simple science. you know reading some of these threads here really affirm the "paranoid stoner" stereotype. its seems like there is a constant stream of conspiracy theory wingnuts spewing their illogical vitriol all over the place. who exactly is they? who is the puppet master? these are all intentionally vague evil figures used to make people believe bullshit. it reminds me of threats of satan from the religious nutsos.

Let me get this right - your contention is that CBS has it right & former U.S. Ambassador to NATO (and former Deputy Secretary of Defense) Robert Ellsworth and Doug Richardson, the editor of Jane’s Missiles and Rockets are blithering idiots and you are the true authority when we're talking solid propellant projectiles?

Really? :?

BTW I inadvertantly neglected to push my "Sarcasum Lock" key prior to typing the puppet master comment - my bad that you didn't "get it", but if you believe for an instant that there isn't a "Man (Men) behind that curtain" in big govt then you are the naive one my friend.
Let me get this right - your contention is that CBS has it right & former U.S. Ambassador to NATO (and former Deputy Secretary of Defense) Robert Ellsworth and Doug Richardson, the editor of Jane’s Missiles and Rockets are blithering idiots and you are the true authority when we're talking solid propellant projectiles?
i never said i was an authority on anything, socata just showed you a logical and scientific explanation of what happened. If you wanna reject science and embrace your conspiracy theory that is your decision. just remember how sure our former us ambassador was about wmds in Iraq.

of cource there are people in power who you and i are not aware of. but you talk about people in power like they are the boogey man or something. "man behind the curtain" ooooh scary, better go get my assault rifle and bible, the communists are coming :dunce:.
i never said i was an authority on anything, socata just showed you a logical and scientific explanation of what happened. If you wanna reject science and embrace your conspiracy theory that is your decision. just remember how sure our former us ambassador was about wmds in Iraq.

of cource there are people in power who you and i are not aware of. but you talk about people in power like they are the boogey man or something. "man behind the curtain" ooooh scary, better go get my assault rifle and bible, the communists are coming :dunce:.
Ignore science, are you for real? You want me to take a hobbyist thrown together science against people who play with missles and rockets for a living? And thats your definition of science? So if a couch scientist says global warmings a scam, and a scientist shows you the shear amt of ice we've lost, I'm supposed to take the couch scientist advice? Have you heard of a word called "credibility?" I'm supposed to believe in a town where they see those contrails ALL THE FUCKING TIME, all of a sudden, they're misinterpreting them as rockets?!! That doesn't even pass the common sense test, I'm sorry. Believe what you want to believe. I dont personally think it was anything under a gov't program for the simple reason that normally when they test shit they don't want people seeing they do it in bumfuck nowhere (white sands anyone?) So that would make this project a private test would be my guess.
You are naive. People in power? †L† I'm not sure if you've noticed, but even at a fast food restaurant, that teenage kid that has almost NO power whatsoever, except over the quality of your food will abuse that power if you piss him off. Anytime you have people with power, your going to have people that abuse the shit out of that power. Thats not a conspiracy theory, thats straight human nature. So why is it so hard to believe that those really running the show would do the same?
"It could be a test-firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile from a submarine ... to demonstrate, mainly to Asia, that we can do that,"


fuck korea! seriously
just remember how sure our former us ambassador was about wmds in Iraq.
If you're going to compare Apples and Oranges you need to head out to the farmers market because during the invasion of Iraq the U.S. Ambassador was Peter Burleigh and not Robert Ellsworth, but don't let facts get in the way of a good rebuttal. I noticed you didn't try to disparage another true expert on these matters, how about Mr Richardson, is he a qualified and creditable expert? If so, how do you flippantly disreguard his analysis?
I was lucky enough to see the vid early on where one could clearly see a flame cone at the head of the plume - not a reflection of the sun, not moon beams, flames.
To my knowledge commercial aircraft do not have engines outfitted with an afterburner function.

Back to the WMD - yeah we didn't find any, but you would do well to read up on "Curveball" and see where the real failings were. In a nutshell we were lied to by a high ranking Iraq spy that had his sights set on a Mercedes with leather seats. He told us what we wanted to hear in order to get that.
But then again, Sadam wasn't exactly a boyscout himself.
"In the early 1970s, Saddam Hussein ordered the creation of a clandestine nuclear weapons program.[21] Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs were assisted by a wide variety of firms and governments in the 1970s and 1980s.[22][23][24][25][26] As part of Project 922, German firms such as Karl Kobe helped build Iraqi chemical weapons facilities such as laboratories, bunkers, an administrative building, and first production buildings in the early 1980s under the cover of a pesticide plant. Other German firms sent 1,027 tons of precursors of mustard gas, sarin, tabun, and tear gasses in all. This work allowed Iraq to produce 150 tons of mustard agent and 60 tons of Tabun in 1983 and 1984 respectively, continuing throughout the decade. Five other German firms supplied equipment to manufacture botulin toxin and mycotoxin for germ warfare. In 1988, German engineers presented centrifuge data that helped Iraq expand its nuclear weapons program. Laboratory equipment and other information was provided, involving many German engineers. All told, 52% of Iraq's international chemical weapon equipment was of German origin."
"It could be a test-firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile from a submarine ... to demonstrate, mainly to Asia, that we can do that,"
fuck korea! seriously
Yeah, sorry about that Poonjoon. :lol:

I hope you got a good bongsmilie going if the balloon drops.