ducting light leak


Well-Known Member
how could someone keep a 4 foot piece of flexible 4" ducting from reflecting light through the tube? Three 90 degree bends still reflects light into the flowering room, thought about painting black but its hard to get a spray can in a 4" tube
how could someone keep a 4 foot piece of flexible 4" ducting from reflecting light through the tube? Three 90 degree bends still reflects light into the flowering room, thought about painting black but its hard to get a spray can in a 4" tube
Try some duct tape

Think misunderstood. Are you able to see light when your inside your grow space?
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Does it haves holes you mean or caused by short ducting if so obviously just put a longer piece of ducting in
Light cant bend around corners -only reflect. Get you some ducting elbows and paint those black on the inside, then assemble the bends you need with the elbows(minimum of 2 90* turns) to keep the light from reflecting. There are ways of making light boxes to keep this from happening. I made something similar in my veg room. I share the air/environment with my flower room but need to keep my flower room light proof so I made a 4" dryer vent stack "space saver" and painted the insides flat black. It looks similar to a periscope with an inlet & an outlet. I'll post some pics in a bit when lights come on. As for the cheap foil type ducting....it has a million micro pin holes in it. It isnt 100% light proof to begin with even when proper bends are made.
This is how I exhaust the warmer air from my veg room into my flower room without any light leaks at all. This thing is 100% light proofed. I spray painted the inside of the dryer vent satin black. I used a 4" inline can fan, hooked it to the dryer vent,and exhausted it through the wall into flower room. I used adhesive window insulation between the dryer vent and the wall to eliminate any vibrations and strapped it to the wall with strips of carpet to help with vibrations/noise as well. This thing is VERY quiet. Siliconed the exhaust vent so no light leaks & it stops any vibrating. I know this may not work for your scenario, but it should give you an idea of how to fix your problem. Im sure you could buy this dryer vent alone and completely eliminate your light problem though.
Pics as promised:
Dryer Vent
Dryer vent installed with fan
exhausting into flower room
on other side of the wall.
Exhaust port on other side
of the wall blowing into
flower room 100% light proof.

Best of luck to ya.