Dude, Aphids Suuuck!

I spray the same mix on my tomato plants that I spray on my cannabis.

Monterey Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad
Monterey BT for caterpillars
Southern AG Garden Friendly Fungicide
1/2 tsp per gallon dawn dish soap

If active infestation I mix the ingredients at the full recommended dosage. For maintenance, I mix at half strength. Apply weekly if weather allows.

I also add 1/4 strength nutrients to the mix.

Mix it up in a 5gal bucket with a high speed drill with a mixer attachment.

I apply with an electric sprayer.

Apply after sunset. If sunlight hits leaves wet with this mix, they will burn badly.

Soak all plant surfaces and soil surface surrounding plant.

The plants love it. I make the mix for the cannabis plants (use from early to late veg not during flowering). I use the leftover to hit the tomatoes, peppers, and roses. The plants love it.

Good luck!
I use neem oil. I follow dosage instructions on bottle and make sure to spray the underside of the leaves. I struggle with aphids on my indoor grows, but not usually outside. My peas . . . that's a different story! . . . the aphids around here love peas!
Diatomaceous earth and a dusting tool - (this is what I bought for my raspberry bushes when I got spider mites).

Cheaper alternative: https://www.amazon.com/dadaozhijian...cphy=9015669&hvtargid=pla-1661925221642&psc=1

Also, don’t underestimate beneficial bugs like wasps, that eat ”meat”. Plant a few flowers in your garden to attract them. Flats of annuals are cheap at the garden stores. Stick those little fuckers in any gaps in your soil. Some herbs/flowers also work as “trap crops” attracting nasty bugs like aphids or mites, keeping them off your more-prized crops.
Also, don’t underestimate beneficial bugs like wasps, that eat ”meat”. Plant a few flowers in your garden to attract them. Flats of annuals are cheap at the garden stores. Stick those little fuckers in any gaps in your soil. Some herbs/flowers also work as “trap crops” attracting nasty bugs like aphids or mites, keeping them off your more-prized crops.

I planted a bunch of Marigolds and mint around my grow area. Hope it helps!
If you want something more sadistic and instantly satisfying, try using scotch tape. Wrap it around your fingers, sticky side out, and just dab the little fuckers right up. How you dispose of them afterwards depends on what kind and how much therapy you probably need - drowning them, burning with a magnifying glass or lighter, squishing them with your fingers one at a time while cursing at them - whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Keep it interesting.
If you want something more sadistic and instantly satisfying, try using scotch tape. Wrap it around your fingers, sticky side out, and just dab the little fuckers right up. How you dispose of them afterwards depends on what kind and how much therapy you probably need - drowning them, burning with a magnifying glass or lighter, squishing them with your fingers one at a time while cursing at them - whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Keep it interesting.
Dang, A+ advice! Lol
Total plant wash with a high pressure spray nozzle on the hose followed by soil dusting of DE afyer each watering is all that worked for me. Root drench like above also. I had them bad.
I had an aphid problem on my outdoor plants. Tried everything. What solved it for me was buying a few thousand lady bugs off Amazon and they gobbled them up.
If you want something more sadistic and instantly satisfying, try using scotch tape. Wrap it around your fingers, sticky side out, and just dab the little fuckers right up. How you dispose of them afterwards depends on what kind and how much therapy you probably need - drowning them, burning with a magnifying glass or lighter, squishing them with your fingers one at a time while cursing at them - whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Keep it interesting.
Personally I prefer packing tape for this task. Sometimes need to follow it up with a spray of something but this method works for getting the first 95% of them
Ok so I spent all day calling places & no ones carrying Lady Bugs anymore. Well one place does but they're out of stock.

I don't want to hand Bezos $40, so I bought some Insecticidal soap spray & I really sprayed good under every leaf.

If that doesn't work, I'll try every other idea mentioned in this thread. Never surrender!