Dude, Don't call me a puss for liking this...

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm all grown up now.., ( Happy Mothers Day!)

But This was one of the greatest things I watched getting older as a little mess maker. Thanks Mom for overseeing my early childhood viewing habits.

YouTube - Dot and the Kangaroo

As a little kid this was a positive influence, what did you watch that was fun and wholesome?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm all grown up now.., ( Happy Mothers Day!)

But This was one of the greatest things I watched getting older as a little mess maker. Thanks Mom for overseeing my early childhood viewing habits.

YouTube - Dot and the Kangaroo

As a little kid this was a positive influence, what did you watch that was fun and wholesome?
OK, I won't call you a puss...:p:p:p:razz::mrgreen::bigjoint:

My kids were more into Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest. Must have been the old man's hippy influence


Well-Known Member
Watched barney when I was really little. Land before time was the shit, too.


Active Member
I always liked Nova, even when I was really little (like four) that shit fascinated me. The old Warner Bros. cartoons were good too, but were only on at like 5 in the morning and on saturdays of course. I remember watching Sesame Street too, but not very often. It's funny, but basically I still watch the same kind of shows that I did when I was a kid.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
I watched the puppet masters, attack of the seed people, stephan kings "IT", JU ON, you know, the usual children stuff


Active Member
My kids grew up watching all the above.

I remember:

Star Blazers (Late 70's/early 80's)
Tom & Jerry
Jabber Jaw

Pretty much anything in the 70's or early 80's