Dude is she turning male on me!?!?!?!?! HELP!!! :(


Well-Known Member
shes budding everywhere and showed nothing but female pistols/calyx everywhere. today i noticed 1 spot where it seems like it MIGHT be little balls :( here are all the pics i just took. Guys some1 pls tell me this isnt happening. i dont want to have seedy buds :(. but im not gonna kill her as she has so many buds coming up. Like, over a dozen of em or something.possible hermie 008.jpgpossible hermie 007.jpgpossible hermie 003.jpgpossible hermie 001.jpgpossible hermie 006.jpgpossible hermie 009.jpgpossible hermie 004.jpgpossible hermie 010.jpgpossible hermie 013.jpgpossible hermie 005.jpgpossible hermie 012.jpgpossible hermie 014.jpgpossible hermie 011.jpgpossible hermie 002.jpg:joint:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
and should i continue with my grow even if those are pollen sacs in the 4th pic?? started flowering Dec 1st and only showed female parts up until atoday when i did my whole-plant search that i do about 3 to 6 times daily. Her name is Lilly (after the sexy Lilly Munster of course) and i dont want her to turn into Uncle Fester :(. I know if it gets pollinated itll have seeds, that and the potency wont be as good :(, but it wont turn out to be some regular type bud right?? i mean it is Ice Strain so, its a blend of Afgahn, Skunk, Shiva, and Northern Lights.


Well-Known Member
it's always tough to make a call from pics, but 1 pic did look like balls
all is not lost, balls can be plucked, but that can become a long project, and you probably won't get them all
but no harm in trying if this is your only plant, i've plucked balls with pretty good results, mostly seedless bud


Well-Known Member
i went through and de-balled all of them i could see at the moment. gonna keep at it, they rub/pluck right off. But im also being careful not to mess around with the buds too much.I really want a good yield. Going to see Red Hot chili peppers live after a few months, and then Puscifer a few weeks after. So i want good bud for those shows. I already innoculated another jar of some B+ shroomies. Gonna grow the hell out of one PF tek cake, and fruit it/dry all 3 or 4 flushes i get from the cake. and then eat them. they were the very best (my other strain i was doing was Gulf Coast, and it seemed even more potent. But anywho, ithis isnt shroomery.org its RIU lol.Thanks for the words of encouragement man. i dont want any seeds in my babies :(. but no matter what, since its budding and has predominantly (almost all) calyx/pistols thru it ima keep it regardless and hope for the best! Thanks again man! More opinions would rock too! Curious as to what every1 has to say!


Active Member
If you have a bunch of other plants, chop the hermie so it doesn't seed them up. Otherwise ,let it go. It's better to have some seeds than something harvested too early. Seeds cost you some potency but harvesting too early yields just... shitty weed with a shitty, jittery, weak buzz.
Dont get to cutting and tearing stuff off especially bud sights. I have thought I seen a pair of "balls" myself but was simply preflowering full of a couple pistils that shot out two days later. So just be easy brotha.


Active Member
7th picture def looks like a male. i just had one in the summer. go with clones or fem. seeds next time.


Well-Known Member
fem seeds can be expensive. And these seeds were ordered by a friend that gave them to me. Ima give it a while as it still seems to be budding VERY fast. It is a powerful strain, thats why the thought of seeds makes me sad. But, at least it would still smoke well as long as the buds kept going, i reckon.