Dude the US government's so fucked up


Active Member
I was talking to my friend the other day and he said bud is only illegal because it grows naturally pretty much anywhere so the government doesn't really have any way to tax it. If that's true they're creating so many criminals just because they want to be able to tax all the bullshit that gets sold in this country. All governments are corrupt, the US just tries the hardest to cover it up.


New Member
well, more to the truth is that the government is making more money off of it being illegal then they would if it were legalized.

the bastards are still fucked up.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the drug companies have a bit to do with it. Remember, they have investors. Drug companies can't patent a plant and would rather not have the competition of a naturally occurring and effective medicine.


Active Member
yea, think about where u go to get prescription drugs? you have to go to a pharmacy, you dont see methadone and vicadins just growing on plants. they have no control over how much ppl get and the fact that they can grow it them selfs. it sucks, not much we can do about it. it cna be illegall all they want but shit im still gna blaze.


Active Member
The number one reason why Marijuana was banned way way awy back in the 1900s---


And with unbuyable taxes come decreasing demand. And ever since then...


Active Member
Those ass holes. We should all start petitions to legalize marijuana in our states. Power to the people, right? It's worth a shot. We wouldn't have to be all discreet about it and dumbasses that don't toke won't be able to act like we're fuckin sinners. And it would be so much safer if it was legal. Shit I have a good idea I'm gonna start like immediately


Well-Known Member
lol tcg//
I signed a petition for my state last week..
I can not recall how I found it.
Seems like I was on Norml's web site and got to it from there some how.


Active Member
If you are really interested in the "How's" and "Who's" and all that, I recommend reading this: Jack Herer - Chapters ... it pretty much tells it as it is/was.
It really is good reading and worth the square eyeballs after a while. :joint: