DUID States


So im reading the norml site and i see that my state, athough its taxable and MedMj is legal, they have a "Driving under the influence of drugs" law that on the norml site says "[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Driving while in possession of marijuana is penalized by suspension of the offender's driver's license for six months for the first offense and for one year for subsequent offenses." [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]My question is do they actually prosecute for this? Am i in danger of losing my license if im driving with a Kilo but only subject to a $200-$500 fine if im riding the bus with a kilo.

I've been pulled over before and told cops that i had smoked earlier in the day if they ask; they usually end up searching me, finding nothing and sending me on my way. If the DUID thing is legit, wouldn't they have grounds to arrest me and pull my license just on me telling them i had smoked? I just got done watching the "Never talk to cops" video and now I know what not to do. Anyway, brass tacks; if I tell a cop i have smoked weed, pass sobriety test, and they find nothing do they still have grounds for arrest?


Active Member
IDK, but in Colorado I have heard of several buddies of buddies getting DUI's for having a dirty pipe + weed in the car.

So im reading the norml site and i see that my state, athough its taxable and MedMj is legal, they have a "Driving under the influence of drugs" law that on the norml site says "[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Driving while in possession of marijuana is penalized by suspension of the offender's driver's license for six months for the first offense and for one year for subsequent offenses." [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]My question is do they actually prosecute for this? Am i in danger of losing my license if im driving with a Kilo but only subject to a $200-$500 fine if im riding the bus with a kilo.

I've been pulled over before and told cops that i had smoked earlier in the day if they ask; they usually end up searching me, finding nothing and sending me on my way. If the DUID thing is legit, wouldn't they have grounds to arrest me and pull my license just on me telling them i had smoked? I just got done watching the "Never talk to cops" video and now I know what not to do. Anyway, brass tacks; if I tell a cop i have smoked weed, pass sobriety test, and they find nothing do they still have grounds for arrest?


Well-Known Member
The prosecutors have to prove a standard that indicates you were actually under the influence of marijuana at the time the incident occurs. Since a drug test cant say when your body had the substance in it, you can have practically any attorney get this case dismissed as a matter of insufficients means of determining that the defendant was outside of the standard for influenced driving. Alcohol can be tested by your breath or blood and if in you is shown to prove you were under the influence at the exact time of the incident. All they can prove via a marijuana drug test, which officers dont even have, is that you smoked at some point over the last period of very many days -- not were stoned during the driving infraction.

Pretty easy case, really.