dumb and boring

i am dumb right now

other wise i would be crying like a pussy that had his vagina out

my dealer died today ......over the years i have taken abuse from some dickholes here ....for being the way i am for not spelling correctly and being amish

this is notice i no longer have to spend a dollar on......just don't leave me the fuck alone no jokes at my expense no using me to do anything ........just leave me the fuck alone with that shit find some other person to pick on to make yourself feel better about shitty life

if u need help growing a dick i will help with nothing excepted in return.....other then that leave my posting
....if u want to argue and debate a point of something fine will do that but no more dumb shit

i honestly can not tell what i will do .......couple months i might be fine or i could be the next major news story i do not know

and for the ppl that were going to make a joke out of this posting
DO NOT have access to shit load of money and looking for a blowjob (hence why i am staying in and trying to distract myself with the posting from my boobs ) just don't i am over the edge hanging by finger nails .......just do not

your heartless dude. Lol
I don't have any so I figured I shouldn't put them on the post either
keepin it real
