Dumb, but possible?


Well-Known Member
Can you smoke the leaves of seedlings after they are about 2 weeks old? Idk if thc production even begings during this time.:-? LOL:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
definitly not gonna get you stoned, in fact I doubt you would get very high from bud that has only been budding a month...


Well-Known Member
But could it at least relax you? I mean it smells pretty good.

Its the equivilent of smoking really really old self roll tobbacco in terms of taste, and after feel..

it is really not good.

I have tried to smoke leaf trimmings even off of the best cured buds, and even that tasted like arse.

I mean if the taste of arse calms you down, then yeah...


Active Member
why not just put the seeds in a stew you wont even have to wait an hour then.let em grow and stop being silly