Dumb New Guy


Well-Known Member
Ok, I hate to be that annoying newbie to a forum and ask alll kinds of stupid "duh" type questions, but when it comes to the health of my babies, my pride can take the back seat.

I have taken on these girls, and they got stressed on the way, I have no records of they're previous feeding schedule, don't ask, but since I have been in care of them I have feed them once each week and checked the pH daily but I am still getting these funny looking new growths.


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Jee's mate, They are strange looking plant's. And what shrig said....... 2 x 1000w ?????? how big are you intending tho's to be. With 2 thou watt you could grow each in to a small tree.....

Good luck tho mate....

They are wierd, Those sativas can be extremely nute sensitive. Are you planning on growing monsters? Have you thought about your ventilation? they are probably a bit hot in there if you have none. Also if you want help post a bit more info on your growroom, media, nutes and temps...etc
You are burning the shit out of them dude, First 2000w's thats F-ing ridiculous have you ever heard of light saturation well if not your way past that point, and secondly quit misting them with water while the light are on. Water acts like a magnifying glass and burns the leaves wherever there is a drop. What is your pH anyway, really doesn't matter right now you need to take one of those lights away then worry about the pH.
That sure looks like a textbook case of nutrient burn to me. The curling leaves and paper like spots sure screams nute burn to me. I do it fairly often myself (gardening stoned is a bad idea).
You say that you feed them once a week.... but you don't tell us what and how much you feed.
You also don't tell us what kind of hydro setup you have. If it's a recycling system, you're using the wrong feeding technique.

Best 'o luck!
well i keep the pH at 5.8, and the ec around 1.1, i am using the ionic line, -the boost, the lights are air cooled by a 6" vortex fan, and they are drinking about a 1/4 gallon each day, i put 1/2 strength food in every day @ about 1/4 gal each, right in the am when the light turns on, the high for temp is about 78 @ 67% humidity, the lows are around 62 @ 49% humidity, and its not just two plants, there is a total of 7 in the room, i think thats all the answers to the questions, any other ideas, these are all great and all slowly helping, thank you so much!!

Ok well those funny looking plants are still funny looking, not doing so hot, got my Bluelab 3 way combo meter. I keep them at 5.8pH and 2.5EC, they are in the 3rd week of budding, and they are getting bigger!!!:clap:


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Well it seemed to be all kinds of nutirent problems because as soon as i got the blue lab they straightened up like a charm!!!!!!!


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