Dumb question about ladies....


Well-Known Member
Ok, so the females make the buds...harvest time is special, YAY, all that work, now you can play.....

Do the ladies continue to grow buds if you trim them from the plant, leaving the main stem and some other branches? Or do they die after flowering....like say....corn? LOL

I know that's probably a stupid question but I really don't know 0.o


Well-Known Member
The way I understand it is that technically yes they can be put back into a vegitative state and re-flowered all over again.
It isn't really a good idea because it takes a long time for them to recover from the shock of having most of their limbs hacked off.
Sometimes they come out screwey too, just not looking right.


Well-Known Member
a) not a stupid question, many people wonder this and this is the place to ask..

b) u can most definately put those flowered plants back in veg but u should prolly have a good reason to do it.. takes a long time to rebuild the plant u once had... not sure if the potency is still there or not, but saying that... just leave some of the lower bud sites and a few fan leaves.. new growth will start but it will also take awhile, generally not practiced by most growers, it woulda been easier just to hack some clones off while in veg, even if u had one survive you would be miles ahead of yourself

c) there have been a few threads on this, try a search.. u should fine something


Well-Known Member
just found this in the faq (i dunno how to link :?...) hope this helps anyways

How do I regenerate/rejuvenate/reveg a plant after harvest?

How do I regenerate/rejuvenate/reveg a plant after harvest?

After the buds are harvested, you may realize just how much you want to perpetuate a plant you neglected to take cuttings from. Cut the main stalk down to the point where below several growth tips or buds are remaining. Return the plant to a vegetative fertilizer and photoperiod. Over the next several weeks, the plant will elongate and devlop new upward growth. It is very important not to overwater the plant after it has been cut back. The reduced above ground plant structure is still being fed by the entire existing root system, which can cause an excessive amount of water uptake and the resultant stress associated. The use of products containing ammonium form nitrogen, such as chicken manure or Genesis Formula Grow 2 will encourage rapid growth and stem elongation. Trace element supplemenation, co2 and 24 hour lighting are helpful.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help everyone

I searched a little bit, but the search can only handle three words and I couldn't figure out a good way to phrase my question to get good results :(

And the FAQ, I've hearly read all of it and I'm surprised I didn't come across that section, chromer. Thanks again for your help, you answered my question :)