Dumbest noob question ever?


Active Member
I want to start growing my own pot. I've never done any growing or anything before. The seeds I have, I got from the bottom of a bag of pot I bought the other day. Are these even usable? I have no idea what kind of weed it is, or what gender the seeds are, or anything. If they are in fact plantable/growable, what's the verrry first thing I should do?


Well-Known Member
welcome to riu

the seeds you are referring to are called 'bag seeds'

i think you can see why

yes, you can definitely use them and its actually encouraged to be used by first time growers because if you screw up, at least the seeds were free.

as long as you take care of your plant, it will be sum of the best buds you ever smoked, cuz there's no plant that actually grows like what the "mids" we smoke look like..., that happens when it is old, grown improperly, harvested early or late, not cured, bricked up and shipped out.

this is a bag seed, as you can see hopefully it will be dank as hell


Well-Known Member
You can check out this link to get you started;

Marijuana Grower's Handbook

I skimmed through a few different handbooks and made an outline of each chapter before I started. It was like studying for an exam.

I suggest choosing what kind of medium you want to grow in and what kind of light source after checking out the options then the next step would be to customize your choices with what resources and environment you have available. If that matches up then you will learn from trial and error. It does not hurt to look through search engines for gardening info in general.

You want to know some basic terminology like P.H. and N-P-K especially. The light is also as important so if you grow indoors you want to know about lumens, watts, and the amount of electricity that could cause suspicion or cost you a lot of dough for the cake.

No worries and as an organic gardener guru once recommended, "Know it then grow it".


Active Member
Thanks a lot guys.

My plan is to use a rubbermaid container rigged up with lights, a fan and an intake to get me started, and if it works out then I'll go from there....


Well-Known Member
welcome to riu

the seeds you are referring to are called 'bag seeds'

i think you can see why

yes, you can definitely use them and its actually encouraged to be used by first time growers because if you screw up, at least the seeds were free.

as long as you take care of your plant, it will be sum of the best buds you ever smoked, cuz there's no plant that actually grows like what the "mids" we smoke look like..., that happens when it is old, grown improperly, harvested early or late, not cured, bricked up and shipped out.

this is a bag seed, as you can see hopefully it will be dank as hell
Hi m8, great looking plant can i ask how many days into flowering she is and will mine grow eed out from the sides like yours or just on the top?


Well-Known Member
cool that a recent pic been on 12/12 4 days now cant wait to see some action lol


Well-Known Member
Next time bend the top down some when its veging and the branches/side shoots will be the same length as the top. They will also produce alot more bud.


Well-Known Member
Next time bend the top down some when its veging and the branches/side shoots will be the same length as the top. They will also produce alot more bud.
Could you claify plz, maybe a drawing i dont get how to do this without breaking it, what do you do tie it and gradualy make it tighter ?


Well-Known Member
me too, good luck forsure definitely check out the journal to see em when they're finished

hows your new bundle of joy doing?
Doing great thanks, had a few restless nights ha ha but to be expected, how do i start a journal, start a thread and keep adding to it yea?