Dunking Your Roots


Well-Known Member
The hormones plus an infused super THC bomb...I wonder what would happen if you feed them pure buds only the tops of the plant would be good I'm thinking because a cow has four stomachs...cows resist thc in the wild it does nothing to them...<---that's the truth...deer do to for that matter...lucky fucking cows...did he tell you about the black book he got from the secret meeting all the farmers have at midnight in the barns around there never in the same one twice...that's how I found out about it all farmers grow weed and funnel it to the streets to help with the rising cost of equipment...and law enforcement turns a blind eye...because there just good ol' boy's

Brick Top

New Member
A buddy told me that if I take my plants just after harvest and dunk the roots in warm whole milk for half an hour before I start to dry them that the smoke will be smoother and stronger.

Your buddy is a moron.

Everyone knows you soak your roots in hot Ovaltine .......... not warm milk!

What a little clown shoe.


Active Member

Give you roots an ice bath to make the plant change colors.
Shit, Ovaltine? They should call it Roundtine. The can is round. The lid is round. My cup is round. Roundtine!


Well-Known Member
Bricktop...I can't believe you posted in here...aren't you suppose to be kicking some college students ass about emzymatic function and cannabinoid structure and degradation...lol