Durban Poison Funny Flowers

have a look yourself does sativa flowers just look like that? 2 weeks ago i would say its male, now i just dont know what to think (obviously it's got female flowers but why those small ones look so weird).


Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
The one tight on the node looks like a pollen sack to me, a tad to early to tell for shure but keep a close eye on her.
Well if you look closer you can see that simillar one on oposite side of node just opened and have pistils sticking out of it. So what the hell is it?


Active Member
I had the same thing on my plant but broke it a while after I made sure it wasn't a bud. Mine its indica/sativa. The whole plant just had one of those, I really checked afterwards and didn't find any more. I'd also like to hear a clear answer about those .... things. Might be turning hermie? Partly? :D
I don't think it's a hermie. No stress before (it was showing before my light accident) and those are not feminized seeds. As I said got two of them and the second looks exactly the same. Hairy like fuck female flowers but also got those maleish looking flowers at internodes only that brake open and show pistils.


its a female and yes sativa flowers looks a bit diffrent and also take more time to bud so its confusing in the begining but just look your self u see the white hairss female male have pods that not what u have its a beatifull female :D it looks a bit like a pod but then they open and a white hair come out so.....good luck!