Durban poison?


Well-Known Member
not sure about the red lines, but get the roots under soil. roots are sensitive to light and plus, they can't absorb anything from the soil if they're not touching it.


Well-Known Member
mmmmm... i remember my first taste of durban poisen. I don't care what strains have won what awards... DP was always my favorite high. Just a heads up that DP grows taller than most strains if you're trying to max out.


Active Member
I'm kinda confined(4ft tall being about the max I could handle for now), and after some more research, I'm questioning the sex of this one. Time will tell if it's a hermie or not..... I think it is though, now that I've done some more reading.

That's okay. I'll give it another try. I have tons of seeds to start and a new setup for my growing area specifically for the next attempt at something better.


Active Member
Alright, this thing is on freaking steroids! It's up to ~21.5" today. The stalk is turning green again. It's starting to fan out a bit finally. I'm thinking I need to chop the top off to shorten it soon.


Active Member
Well, my plant is just shy of 2ft tall, it has outgrown it's 2.5 gallon bucket(roots are poking out the bottom)... So now what? Do I try to put it in a bigger bucket again or just let it go? What would be the best method to transplant from the smaller bucket to a 5 gallon bucket? I guess what I really want to know. How the hell am I gonna get the damn thing out of the other bucket? I'm NOT opposed to slicing the bucket up to remove the plant.


Well-Known Member
how old is it now? if you haven't seen any buds yet, then i'd transplant because once the buds start you going to want the roots all in the soil for maximum nutrient uptake.


Active Member
9 weeks old. It's looking like either a hermie, or little buds are growing. I can't tell the difference :? My biggest worry is that I'll severely damage the roots by trying to repot it this late in the game... Like I said, I'm thinking about just letting it run it's course and fix the next grow so it's a bit closer to "right". I don't want my work and efforts to be in vain at this point. Unless you have a brilliant method of transplanting? Looks like I'll be getting a 100watt hps ballast that I have to rewire to work on 120v. Should be fun. It's not 400w, but damnit it's HPS!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how big of a shock it would cause the plant by transplanting it this late so your guess is as good as mine. does it have the white hairs coming out yet? thats almost a sure sign of a female.

but hermies aren't that bad of a thing. if you got more female plants in the same room as it, then its bad but just by itself, just let it grow and get the bud. its still bud and its still less expensive than buying a bad of dank from your homeboy.


Active Member
It's a solo plant. I'm deffinately leaving it and gonna try to get it right the next time. Ordered a 100w hps to maybe help things. I know it's not the 400w that everyone totes about, but can 100w hps be that bad? I figure use the hps for flowering, then the CFL's can be used for vegging specifically. 100w hps should be enough for one plant at a time, right?


Active Member
Alright, up to 26" now. Crazy thing happened though. I found a brand new sprout inside my bucket?? I didn't plant it, and actually had to dig about 3" into the dirt to get it out in one piece. I don't know where or what it's from, but I replanted it so it doesn't get burned by the ferts for the other plant. I'm curious to see what this new one is...


Active Member
To be quite honest, I'm embarrassed of the plant. It's not bushy like the other people on here. It's just kinda.... lanky... I am not really upset about it being lanky. I have piss poor facilities for this sorta thing, and I don't have all the right gear yet. It'll work soon enough though. Maybe I'll post a pic or two, I don't know...


Active Member
In the gallery.... it's a poor excuse for a plant, but I'm pleased for how little I knew when I started with how it's progressed... It is now being lit by 4 2700k 23w CFL's, 1 daylight CFL(6000k?) 23w, and another CFL that's cool white. I also have two 40w 3000k fluorescent t-12's on the sides. I gotta figure out how to rewire this HPS core and coil for 120v. It's wired for 277v now.


Well-Known Member
Not too bad dude, at least its making buds!! thats really the most important thing really. I don't know anything about HPS but those cfl's should do great. Try to get those lights like 1 1/2-2 inches away from that very top so that it doesn't stretch anymore. you got hight, now go for girth. The more you plant tries to grow up to the lights, the less energy its putting into bulk growth and bud.


Active Member
Problem is that it just grows into the light. I think I need to hack the top off because it just keeps going up. Then it hits the CFL ballasts and burns the leaves.