dust filters?need advice


Well-Known Member
i have a problem with dust and it just flys every where into the air . i was wondering if theres a diy for makeing a dust filter


Well-Known Member
Yes but my problem is theres dust in the air of the room with my plants. Im thinking of takeing a shop vack and sucking up all the dust off the floor. Im using all dirt pots on a cement floor. Im thinking off hooking some kind of filter extended to my exhaust to get the dust idk yet.


Well-Known Member
take a random fan that you have in your house and put a layer of panty hose or a piece of vent filtering material on one side- or both sides and turn it on in your room- it'll work, just keep it running, and try to clean as much of the dust off the floor as you can so it doesnt just get kicked up into the air


Well-Known Member
awsome thats a great idea but where am i gunna get panty hose like that? do u know of any other material? i swept and vacumed the floor everything looks fine the dust isnt so bad now but im sure it will get worse i moved my exhaust fan to a different spot so im hoing it will suck it out. good growing.


Well-Known Member
do you know what the filter material is like for the vents in your home? That would be excellent as it is made to trap dust. Also- the replacement heads for the swiffer dusters thing is a great material- you would just have to tape a few together to make a big enough one. Or possibly a somewhat thin old blanket or piece of cloth that you can keep moist, that might work.

happy holidays


Well-Known Member
i have panty hose covering the back of my wall mount fan, i hope this is good enough, thanks for the help i didnt thin k the panty hose would work but i cut it in half and taped it on it looks great, i dont have a camera otherwise i would show yall my medical grow. its my first real in dooor experience one plant is flowering at 6 inch and may yeild a cigars worth but they smell great!! i changed the time to turn on early in the morning so the heat doesent get to the plants the lights turn off at 11:00 am any advice on catching hermies ive messed with the lighting a few time and expecting some seed idk yet i hope this dont happen i have them on a 24 hour night period before i change the light. plus i just bought a wirless security camera that i already broke. n e one have a good idea for watching thier stash? im alwasys watching them and i always get some feeling thier gonna get stolen. so i just protect my property with a .22mag revolver. good luck thanks for the help and any imput. btw are thier any diy for a dehumidifier??


Well-Known Member
well- if you have an A/C unit you don't mind hooking up. They change the relative humidity of a room, and also of course serve the purpose of cooling. People report that using an A/C will typically give them a humidity of between 50 and 60 %. That is one option, I'm looking at some other ones.


Well-Known Member
Another method I found, which hasn't been thoroughly tested, is to get a large bucket, fill it with rock salt. When the salt becomes fully saturated lay it out on a tarp in the sun to dry it back out. The amount of rocksalt you use will infuence the amount of time between dryings, and if you want to speed of the rate of dehumidifying then have airflow through the salt or increase the surface exposure of the salt.


Well-Known Member
salt?? that sounds redickulous thanks for the imput. im looking to drop the humidity in the 15% range and some times it gets way too high, ive already had mildew. any other ideas? should i moisten the panty hose? would that help catch the dust better?


Well-Known Member
dust is now not a problem it i think it was my imagination , its gone now and im not doing any thing 2 stop it so i guess the rooms running fine now i have better ventilation.