dusty spots on leaves


Hello i am at first grow and i grow 3 plants at my window are 6 weeks in veg. About 1 week i moved them to the yard and when i get them back i found some dusty spots on the leaves is Powdery Mildew ? i can save them ? I using some formulex solutions for the veg if counts...


Ebb n Flo

Active Member
If they were vegging indoors and fine then I would guess the air inside is cooler, dry & less direct sunglight.
Outdoors it might be hotter, more humid & more intense direct light.

Direct light = more heat

Heat + Humidity = Perfect growing environment for mold, mildew & fungus

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
Mold, mildew & fungus can spread quick making your plants turn to crap. Remove the leaves that have the mildew so it doesn't spread to the rest of the plants Vegetive growth and you should be alright

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
And from the sounds of it I would get some t5 flourescent lights and bring them back inside to veg, then bring them outside to flower.


Well-Known Member
Hello Stretch,

Your not going to get far growing in the window:lol: I hate to bust your bubble:lol: You need more light they why your plants are tall and skinny! When my are babies I might put there the first week but once they get going you need to put'em under MH light or outside if your growing outdoors!


thx mr ghetto i will try to put them outdoor but i still have a question it's any hope to get rid off Powdery Mildew ? i searched and i founded an organic spray called SPIDERMITE will help me ? thx again