Dutch Master Nutrients... Usage questions


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Well-Known Member
Go to the DM site. They have a calculator that has full or 3/4 strength. get a blue lab ppm meeter. the veg and flower a&b, and some H2O2 for flush is all you need. When you increase the ppm watch your plants. Do the increase over 2 days. DM is the shit.


Active Member
I've heard from several people that the DM Penetrator is some crazy good stuff. Spray it on the leaves and watch the plants grow right in front of you.
Dutch Master Gold Series is the SHIT!!!
I've been growing hydro for 10 years.. just recently switched to DMG and I will never go back.
get the DM gold grow and flower A and B. Also a must have is the Dutch Master Liquid Light + Penetrator.
it works wonders. no reason to use penetrator without liquid light..........


Well-Known Member
I use DM One... only one grow, and one flower. It saves me from having to buy 4 different ferts at a time. It is actually formulated for aeroponics but I use it and it seems to be doing great. My only gripe is that it will drop the PH of RO water down to about 3.3 so you have to add PH up.


Well-Known Member
I've heard from several people that the DM Penetrator is some crazy good stuff. Spray it on the leaves and watch the plants grow right in front of you.
I picked up the penetrator and wow I am impressed its just damn expensive smh... but I am now curious about the other products.


Well-Known Member
I know this is old but I just got some DM Grow A, and B also DM silica. They said the two part series dropped raised ph from 5.5 to six but only using the first part of both grow and flower the ph dropped to 3.3. I have no ph meter to test my water after I put nutes in it but I added lime to my soil I really need a experienced person that has used Dutchmasters products before. The only reason I posted in this old post is so you would know what I was talking about.