Dutch Master Reverse??? Looking for an answer

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
Okay so Im doing great and everythings going well.. my first time around and im eesed up bad early on .. stressed them almost to death. anyways now theyre in flowering.. day 35 after a 1 month recovery from near death in veg.. looks like 4 to 5 ounces per plant... YEAHHHHHHH... as im tying some up today look down and see a split.. pull back a little and seeds( still tiny as hell .... like micro but there).... FUCKKKKKKKK.... all 4 of the weaker strain all seeding .. want to scream... call my buddy and I think he just looks this up somewhere real quick but he comes back with .... Dutch Master Reverse...Hormone ... tells me it supposed to stop the seed growth... anyone here have experience with this stuff. it looks like its for clones not full on flowering plants that are supposed to be done growning in 3 weeks
.... Im crying over here as it now appears my only plant to produce a smoke worthy of use is much lighter in overall weight.... different strain all together... Im super confused. If this stuff doesnt work like he thinks then what?? this blows. i dont even know what the hell imissed to have allowed this to happen in the first place considering I stared and the things for 2 hours a day... embarassing!!


Active Member
I dont think that there are any products that will stop your plants from producing seeds. If your plants are males, they are males and no hormone will change that. If im wrong i would love to know. Or are you saying there starting to hermie? Your clones you got could have very well been from a male plant not sure what your really saying but if your plants have sack at the nodes and seeds growing than start fresh. Dont waste money on hormones to change the sex? If you do let me know how it works as i have never heard of this. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Doujadaze, male plants do not have seeds, the plants have to be female to produce seeds. They do however need to be pollinated by a male in order to produce seeds.

To the OP, is there a male in the group somewhere or did one of your plants turn herm and pollinate the others? If you somehow got a male, then at least you should have a bunch of seeds for further grows. If from a hermie, I understand those seeds could have a tendency to produce hermie plants, so not sure what you can do with that. I have not heard anything about a way to "terminate" pollination on a female plant. Could be interesting though.


Active Member
Doujadaze, male plants do not have seeds, the plants have to be female to produce seeds. They do however need to be pollinated by a male in order to produce seeds.

To the OP, is there a male in the group somewhere or did one of your plants turn herm and pollinate the others? If you somehow got a male, then at least you should have a bunch of seeds for further grows. If from a hermie, I understand those seeds could have a tendency to produce hermie plants, so not sure what you can do with that. I have not heard anything about a way to "terminate" pollination on a female plant. Could be interesting though.

Wait what man. Are you saying that female marijuana plants produce seeds ? If you are you should not be posting any information here. Sorry. What you just said makes no sense. Anyone else ?


Well-Known Member
Males make pollen, females make the babies(seeds). Hopefully that makes more sense.

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
theyre clones....the original seed came from purple train wreck from Reserva Privada ( which i have now read they quit distributing for a while due to this issue)... hmmmmmmm.... and yes they hermied... all four of the little bastards my cataracts strain is perfectly fine so im fairly sure it isnt pollen... bad genetics and honestly my first grow . So yeah i stressed them while in veg. On a good note i did well because it looks like theyre going to have a shit ton of seeds. ...... lolphoto (15).jpg


Active Member
Ok I think I just mis understood you. My bad. Yes your right. I thought you were saying that under normal conditions that female plants will start producing seeds if have not been stressed to the point of becoming a hermie. Thanks for clearing it up.


Active Member
Dutch Master Reverse is more of a preventive than cure, it does nothing to seed production. The damage has already been done all you can do now is minimise it by removing the hermie from the room. If that's not an option you'll have to give everything the once over and pluck any male flowers you find but chances are they have all popped open. Are the whole plants seeded or just a few sections?


Well-Known Member
If they have enough time to develop, you will have feminized seeds. They will produce male flowers, "hermie" if you fuck with those plants too.

Feminized seeds are not more likely to produce male flowers (or hermie) than regular seeds.


Well-Known Member
You will also want to scrub the hell out of your grow area and anything you have have come into contact with after handling the male flowers if you plan on starting another grow soon since that pollen gets everywhere. This may also be a good use case for the Dutchmaster Reverse for your next grow if it works as fxbane describes. That should give any lingering pollen enough time to expire. Personally I am not sure how long pollen can linger out in the open.

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
yeah I have a veg area about 10' outside the flower room..has 7 teens in it right now.... . ugh... .the whole plant is seeded... I cant find a male anything for the life in me gonna have to go over it again i guess... turns out the catarcts got nailed too... funny as hell im supposed to be showing this to my landlord for the first time tomorrow (im legal) as if that wasnt enough this had to happen. Like a sign from god.. lol


New Member
Welcome to the world of growing pot , piss it off and it might return the favor . Make is smile and it will make you smile . Inter-sexed plants are more common than many people would like to admit and it is easy to piss off some strains more than others but all can be hermied with a little sress or a lot . I often push them to see there thresh but I am not opposed to the natural order of life as this is a simple survival mechanism and one that is just a part of nature .

Next time you piss them off watch closely as often the rouge male flowers will show up 10-14 days afterwards from my experience and hypersensitive plants will show much sooner when stressed as I have seen them go off in a few days time and they got the ax upon discovery .:o


Well-Known Member
Water and heat inactivates male pollen, you don't need to scrub the shit out of your room but a once over with a wet towel should be enough unless you're very paranoid or cautious. Even running your lights on through a veg cycle 4-8 weeks is enough to kill any lingering pollen in a small to med size room. The whole scrub bleach etc etc is a myth made up by paranoid growers. Pollen does not last very long after it has been released by the male just like your sperm won't fertilize a woman a week after you bust theyre both very delicate structures.


Well-Known Member
I have read of success with dutch master,never had to try it.
The seeds will be female,use them if it hermied from stress,with everything else correct.
I would ask SS1 to be sure.


Well-Known Member
yeah I have a veg area about 10' outside the flower room..has 7 teens in it right now.... . ugh... .the whole plant is seeded... I cant find a male anything for the life in me gonna have to go over it again i guess... turns out the catarcts got nailed too... funny as hell im supposed to be showing this to my landlord for the first time tomorrow (im legal) as if that wasnt enough this had to happen. Like a sign from god.. lol

A sign from God that you need to do a better job controlling your environment so this doesn't happen again?

From what I have read, the reverse stuff works, but why not just provide a good environment so you do not have to spray?

"Intersex traits" are common because people stress their plants, not because of genetic problems.

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
A sign from God that you need to do a better job controlling your environment so this doesn't happen again?

From what I have read, the reverse stuff works, but why not just provide a good environment so you do not have to spray?

"Intersex traits" are common because people stress their plants, not because of genetic problems.
Im absolutely trying my best.. have been for 4 months... i had my out on my thermometer on a stake at even height with the tops .. never went over 82... one day it fell and i didnt recognize it as the heat didnt change much. outside temps went up by 15 degrees and i was amazed when my temps didnt move... credited it to flow through ducting and being on a mover. I spared no expense simply made a rooky mistake. Im not saying its not my fault it certainly is . its my first time and i just have to chalk it up to inexperience. These particular plants though have had genetic deficiencies (again my fault i should have looked into it).