Dutch Passion- Blueberry...experiences or opinions?


Well-Known Member
spicy white devil is awesome!! has 3 flavors to it, blueberry, j.h., and spicy lol. at times tastes like a bb blunt. i think jackberry is a black berry jack. my buddy had some a that.


Active Member
Yes I got the beans from Attitude. If you just ordered yesterday then it's probably not trackable yet. Be patient tho, they ship, from the site, within 3 days. I have gotten orders in as little as 7 days or as long as 14 so if your package stalls somewhere don't panic. I'm not sure where you are from but royal mail usually zips it through...it's when it gets into the U.S. (for me) that is seems to slow to a snails pace....especially if it goes through New York.
thx for the answer hope my plant doesnt suck as everyone is suggesting it will


Active Member
your plant will most likely be fine and be good bud as well.
I grew a smallish (1/2#) DP blueberry outdoors last year, moderately potent, very sweet smelling bud when cured. Not to mention a beautiful plant at harvest time. A good friend of mine grew three of them that averaged about 2# per. He's growing them again this year and he has many choices.
Don't give up yet.



Active Member
Well, I'm about to throw all 3 into flower, so I guess I'll have to wait and see. I LSTed the hell outta them too. Oh well if they herm...not much I can do about it. Dp makes the strain look so irresistible!! I will definitely keep this thread updated! Keep your fingers crossed for me guys! :)
I dont get scared off by hermies either, if its just the quality of the smoke your after.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
bollax!!! thats a lie m8 i dont beleive at all

ps u no shit blueberry the real mcoy was some the best smoke u could get
Doesn't have to be dj shorts blueberry to get a blueberry muffin pheno, you act as if DP or DJS are the only people with blueberry genetics these days LOL and i give nirvana credit, i put those plants THROUGH HELL and they still didn't sweat it and produced some fine smoking gear on par with what i paid for from DJS. grow some blue mystic yourself, you will see. and as for getting "the real mcoy" i couldn't, not on the 10 pack i paid for by the original breeder atleast. what i got were average at best, and a few hermed on me, definitely not the best blueberry strain i've grown. somebody must be in on some secret because of all the Blueberry ive smoked, none has suprised me, i thought i would be since i grew it myself, but i was let down. weak potency and good aroma is not the total package i wanted, hell i didn't even get a killer pheno from the blue mystic, but that cost me 1/4 the price and was more stable lol.
Had this strain from Dutch Passion and tossed it. out of 5 seeds, 3 female, and all hermied at 5 weeks flwr. like clockwork. For me it was a fussy strain, and had poor yields. It did taste and look nice though, when it got its way. Didn't do anything for me head-wise though, it smoked a lot better than it medicated.


Active Member
I've read in multiple places that the DP BB is the same genetics as DJ Shorts BB, only with less phenos. Again I just read that on forums. Someone had quoted the guy saying it, doesnt prove i know.

I'm smoking some DP BB right now, its a good early day smoke I think. Honestly I like the weed, even if it doesnt taste of BB. The buds really are solid and long, This would be a monster yeilder in a scrog I think.


Well-Known Member
ugly , difficult and upsetting stain. really useless.

I used to think DP were a quality seedbank. Now I know they aren't...

I switched to Sensi then, and now...well, there are millions of different decent genetics now :)


Active Member
So if these plants do herm, I suppose their pollen is useless too right?...it would carry the herm trait?
I was asking the same thing in my thread in the plant probs section. The feedback was that the resulting seeds would not be good. Not everyone agreed though. Someone said they keep the bananas for cross pollination.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
i dont think u no how to read or grow, the bluebherry muffin pheno is very hard to find and fucking nivirna lololololol im saying ur struggle to find it anywhere and i certainly aint saying ne good bout DP where did u read that are u retarded???? i carnt stand the breeder.
Do me a huge favor! Please don't bring any negativity into any threads that I start...and definitely refrain from calling people ignorant names. It's completely uncalled for! We are all here to learn from one another and he is entitled to his opinion, as are you, but it'd be nice if you could convey your feelings in a more civil manner...instead of calling people retarded, which in the end just makes people not take you seriously.
I never said I was searching for a "blueberry muffin" pheno in the first place...and I know that this strain is not the most potent smoke....it's just a strain that I've been wanting to play with.


Well-Known Member
i probably speak for thousands of growers who fell in love with that DP blueberry bud pic so many years back. I am sure everybody tried to grow it at some stage.

The reason you hear so little about it probably speaks for itself...or doesn't :D It burned me so hard that I could never get myself to go back to DP even though I was sure they were a good bank back in the day. Now I don't care any more. With such a huge selection of seeds, i don't want to risk their brand any more. keep to hear if any of their strains are worth while. I have had better results with GHS... far better.... (and that is saying something!)

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
I guess I should have really asked alot of these questions before I actually shelled out $82 for 5 seeds...especially when people are advising better strains that aren't as pricey. It's sad that this is at the top of the list of recommended strains from the tude...makes me think twice before considering anymore of their "recommendations"...although that Cotton Candy looks awesome and I will definitely be trying some of that....and some other Delicious strains.
New, I can't enlarge the pics for some reason but they don't look all that bad. I'm wondering if some DM reverse would help if I do see signs of nanners. I put one plant into flower yesterday..just to see what it does, the other 2 are still in veg. One plant, in particular, is a sweet looking pheno...maybe that one is the golden egg who knows.
I don't think I will patronize DP any further...it's not like this is a new problem, they have had plenty of time to recognize and stabilize!! I have seen complaints about this strain dating back from 2008....thought they'd fixed it...... *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Who has real flower times? I know the site says 8-9 weeks, but i know at day 62 she still has more time left. Mostly cloudy trichs, not really any amber, and none of the hairs have started changing on the top cola, however the lower nuggs look nice. Not seeing any color change either, still really nice n green.

sampled a little yesterday, prettty nice,sweet buzz. tho it was not dried and cured properly so taste left something to be desired.
Mine were done at 9 weeks, let them go 10 to be sure. I did see some minor purpling but not as much as I've gotten from other strains that aren't noted for their purpling.