Ok, here we go. I ordered DP Mazar Fem. seeds From marijuana-seeds.nl. Big mistake, they sent regualr seeds instead of fems. my freind is growing 7 of the remaining seeds and has 4 females and 3 males. So i am certian they regular seeds. I do believe that it is Mazar, but got charged big bucks for the fem seeds. I'm not one to flame, but I'm currently trying to straightn it out with them. if they right the problem i'll feel ok about it, if not, i will be certian to spread the word.
I dont know why i strayed from atitude, jst was looking to try someone new, my mistake there, attitude is one of the best.
So, The beautifull plant that was a feminized mazar was a reg male! hahaha, so now i'm smoking leaf for the next 6 weeks till i harvest an ak47 auto to hold me over till i bud a g-13 labs super skunk that i trust will be a femal, i got these seeds from attitude so i have faith.