dutch passion orange bud. 1st seed grow.


Well-Known Member
:clap:nice job, those are real big. how good was the bud for a sativa. i dont think you need to worry about exper. you aready have it . good looking grow. i'm on my 10th year grow steadily .just found RIU a couple of weeks ago . i like it . the ony place us growers can pic at each others brain .
heres my last grow hashplants , i hope you dont mind me putting them on your post. Hshplants you can pinch the top out and branch node 5 and 6.:leaf:thc content was around 20%. soaking with resin, stressed them a little in the last 2 weeks to make them bleed for me alittle,haha. ha dto go from left to rite to get any half decent pics,camera phone



Well-Known Member
yea, wen i grow in my closet , they have to fight for the light , i pacem , as many as i can. i like to get at least one to one and a half lbs. per 90 day grow.:leaf:i grow in perfect pots, thier sqare, 2gal. cont. fit in like jigsaw puzzle.


Well-Known Member
yea, wen i grow in my closet , they have to fight for the light , i pacem , as many as i can. i like to get at least one to one and a half lbs. per 90 day grow.:leaf:i grow in perfect pots, thier sqare, 2gal. cont. fit in like jigsaw puzzle.

Square is the shit, i have no problems using 6 gallon pots to give the roots plenty o room for yield. Thats why my yields tend to be higher than others.


Well-Known Member
i used to grow in 5 gal. bukets. and did well , but i can put as many 12 perfect pots per sqare foot.in a 3 ft. by 3ft. closet.and get a pound and a half dry weight.lots of main colas at the canapy is the key for me.those pics of this shit is still 2 weeks from harvest wen pic taken. anyway thats wat i go with.


Well-Known Member
shit man. I got a 4x4 area lit by a 1000 HPS for flower and 2 seperate areas for seedlings and clones and for vegging mothers and small plants. I made a post one time asking for advice on how to use my space and equipment to full production capacity but not a damn person responded. And right now I feel like all the lights im running I only got a few plants. Well besides the 10 new OB babies I just made tonight from the mothers. First time cloning too:) And still I could be cramming all kind of plants in there.


Well-Known Member
i never saw the thread , i just started at RIU two weeks ago. pac them in there . 4 by 4 ft at least 16 .you have an advantage . got that extra room to keep a mother. i was gonna do the same thing and get another 600 hps, and use our guest room and run 2 lites, but my damn nephew qit the navy and came home, asshole.:wall::wall:the perfect pots are 8" by 8" and 10" high.2 gal. cont.


Well-Known Member
i never saw the thread , i just started at RIU two weeks ago. pac them in there . 4 by 4 ft at least 16 .you have an advantage . got that extra room to keep a mother. i was gonna do the same thing and get another 600 hps, and use our guest room and run 2 lites, but my damn nephew qit the navy and came home, asshole.:wall::wall:the perfect pots are 8" by 8" and 10" high.2 gal. cont.
I like forcing my plants to max out there yield instead of cramming in tons of plants. I grow 9 plants in 6 gallons pots and get a pound and a half from a sativa. I did the same grow with 16 plants and got shit cause they were all competing for light.


Well-Known Member
how much or how little has a lot to do with temp.con. , co2 depletion and regeneration.
wat kind of water you use. nutes . excellent air exchange. air cooled lites or not .how close you can keep them , with cooled air running through.i keep mine at 10".from plants. you can palm the bottom of the glass and be just warm.
if you have all this you should be able to get closet full of buds the size of your fist , with little maintan. but if thats workin for ya i would stay with it . sounds like you got a great oper. uplload some pics sometime.aso you have alot more room to work mwith than me.
i have been using this same little setup for 8 years.. i wish i could upgrade but cant till somebody moves out,lol.:leaf:like that pic in my avitar i can get 12 of those ina 3 by 3 ft closet , thier branched, and i did do 12 i f you see the pics


Well-Known Member
So you had 16 plants under 600 hps and you didnt pull at least a pound?? Orange Bud? Ive started an organic SOG with white berry from paradise. It said main cola dominance and suited for sea of green 75indica/25sativa. Ill be keeping orange bud around though.

chaotic metal could you give me some cloning advise for OB babies? I called the grow store today and found out Im using oasis wedges, theyre ph neutral and I learned how to use the oasis wedge tray with the standing water tray and the humidity dome. I used only PH'd water for the standing water and mist with the same. Didnt know what nutes to use got some 1-0-0, some superthrive some ff bigbloom?? But heres my tray about an hour after taking them. Is there any particulars I should know about cloning these? Do they root fast how do they take to clonex I dont know anything you can think of. I guess Im using a completely different method altogeather but Im sure you know how it feels tending your delicate new babies for the first time:) Dont want anything bad to happen. Anyway another question. I think I already know the answer to this but for good measure Ill ask. what happens when you cut the main growing shoot right where a set of what appear to possibly b nodes...I guess I mean to say when I made my cuttings I cut the main growth tip leaving 2 tiny nodes. Are these little nodes going to make 2 new clones?:dunce: And Ive fed the moms nothing but water flushes for the last 3 waterings to get rid of excess N so clones root faster. And my clones are small because ive read that smaller clones are easier to root.



Well-Known Member
you must be reading off somethin else. i can get a pound with 8 plants,duh.those are blue berry.and i never had skinny buds. but stik around a little wile i'm 22 days into flowering now.kik up the regulater ,co2.later days.


Well-Known Member
4 hours after taking clones....Most of them have wilted but 3-4 are standing streight up. I pushed the wilted ones deeper into the medium just in case I cut the stem to short and they werent getting that hydrolic flow they need. I'll see what happens tomorrow morning.
Another thing, have any of you ever heard that taking clones from the bottom growth where the older hormones are make for better rooting cuttings? I read that in my grow book.
And yeah, this is the reason why there should be a cloning forum on this site.


Well-Known Member
Here is the laydown for how I take clones and materials I use.


Humidity Dome Preferably 7" Height

Plug tray & flat to collect water that the tray sits in

Rooting Hormone (Personally only use clonex)

Razor blade

Cup of water ph'ed

some sort of rooting plug ph'ed.

low light(floro tubes work great)

Seedling germination pad(kept at constant 90degrees.


Take the mother plant you are going to clone and set up all your materials in a sterilized clean environment. Sterilize razor blades. Open rooting hormone (gel works the best IMO since it seals the end of the cutting instantly which stop air bubbles from pulling into stem after cut(if air bubble pulls up, water/nutes are blocked). Within 20 seconds make the cut, dip in gel, and place in hole of plug about 3/4-1" down,try and bury a node if ya can. Rinse and repeat. The cup of water is just for an emergency if ya need to take a min, put in water before clonex.I dont use any nutes or rooting stimulator's other than the clonex and get over 90% survival rate. After the clones are taken, mist them gently,they will wilt for a bit no matter what,this is normal and they should spring back up the next day if cutting taken correctly. continue to mist once to twice a day and keep plugs moist.Place tray on heating pad and turn he lights on 24/0. My clones always root between 7 and 14 days, usually more toward 7.

Next time I take clones I will make a video and post it. I take clones from any part of the plant with no issues. I just make sure to pick the healthiest ones thats all.


Well-Known Member
Just checked the new cuttings and theyre all healthy looking With only a couple that are wilted a bit. I hink its mainly due to heavy misting and all the humidity in the dome. I got both holes open so they can breathe easier.
I have them about a foot away from my 4 bulb t5 fixture.


Well-Known Member
Just checked the new cuttings and theyre all healthy looking With only a couple that are wilted a bit. I hink its mainly due to heavy misting and all the humidity in the dome. I got both holes open so they can breathe easier.
I have them about a foot away from my 4 bulb t5 fixture.
Close those holes up, you want 100% humidity for at least the first 3 days or they will start to yellow and die. I also forgot 1 very important thing that can make all the difference. Since there are no roots, the leaves are trying to produce to much energy for leaf production and not root production. to stop this cut about an inch or so off every leaf tip except the new growth tip in the middle. This is important to help the plant transpire and to take the heavy load of the leaves of the stem. Here are some pics of rooted clones.



Well-Known Member
Good info chaoticmetal. Those are much bigger than the ones I took. How long did you leave the dome on? The guy at the grow store said around 3 days then empty the standing water and mist only...I think thats what he said Im such a stoner. Heres the new pic.
Hey dude I just noticed we have the exact same dome! I closed the holes but damn it gets warm in there under my flourescents. is that how you want it? Im gonna read up and se if Cervantes mentions anything about it.
That first one is kitty. Thought she was eating them but was just licking the water. I have to kick her out of my closet in the mornings cuz shes old and arthritic and likes the warm light. Cant have a kitty laying around your plants. We grow her own wheat grass and barley grass in a tray next to her food and if she wanted to eat my plants she could have done so any time but they sure like the green foliage. Any cat owners?:) The 2nd pic is of th left side of the tray with 4 cuttings of what so far appear to be from the same pheno that the rest of my plants are. The third one is to the right of the tray showing 5 clones of the other wide bladed phenotype. And pic 4 is just a shot showing how small they are. Is it true in your experience that small clones root faster? And finally experienced cloners, how long will it take to figure out your cutting has an embolism?



Well-Known Member
Well I use florescent tubes to clone so they dont produce any heat at all. wanna keep it like 78-80. I use rapid rooter plugs and they keep the perfect amount of moisture, so I dont have them sit in water in the tray. When I mist them I hit the dry spots and thats it, if there is alot of runoff in the tray I empty it out. I always feel still water is bad,plus if roots stay to wet they will rot and wont try to grow out to find the water.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit my t5 runs a little warmer than I expected. I just read that anything over 85 causes damage. Dont know what my temps are but if theyre above 85 I'll have to do something about the heat. My t5 fixture is 8 inches from the top of the dome. Its a 20,000 lumen 216 watt fixture so could they be getting too mush light maby? I only bought a 4 bulb because I thought a 6 would be too much light for the seedling/clone space and 4 would be putting out maximum efficiency without over doing it.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit my t5 runs a little warmer than I expected. I just read that anything over 85 causes damage. Dont know what my temps are but if theyre above 85 I'll have to do something about the heat. My t5 fixture is 8 inches from the top of the dome. Its a 20,000 lumen 216 watt fixture so could they be getting too mush light maby? I only bought a 4 bulb because I thought a 6 would be too much light for the seedling/clone space and 4 would be putting out maximum efficiency without over doing it.
Wayyyyy to much light bro, they need less than 10000 lumens like 5 or so, I use like a 20 watt floro tube and thats it. maybe 2 15 watt cfl's or something. To much light= to much attempted leaf growth.either raisem up or get a diff light.