Dwarf fortress


Well-Known Member
Good or bad addition to me wasting a fuckload of time?

Ever get those periods, they don't last more than a week or so, that you feel completely and utterly enveloped in sheer and utter bordum that you simply didn't know what to do with yourself? I can't even sleep.

I'm just sitting in London, chilling at my buddies place until I find work. Real hungry, have a pack of smokes and a few ounces of weed from my bros as a going away present when I moved. No one to sell it to, I don't want to be sketchy McGee hanging out by the universities trying to pawn off drugs.

Any other recommendations besides youtube and pdf ebooks would be appreciated as a side, but forgetting that for a moment, dwarf fortress. Yey or ney?
Haven't played it, but it looks neat. I think the OP would like Factorio, or Satisfactory, Civ, Stellaris. They're all simulation games of that vein I think.