DWC 2 weeks from seed

IDK if you changed your bucket setup or fixed that light leak or what you have going on... but, if you start getting shit growing in your res, it can absolutely raise your ppm.

...ask me how I know ;p

Maybe you res is in good condition... but since we don't really know, first thing is to make sure you are taking care of the basics so you can be sure no slime/algea/etc is growing in your buckets. Ensuring there are no light leaks, keeping temps as low as possible, and using either benes or sterile. I don't know if you filled those net pots up, but make sure there is 0.0% light getting into your buckets. Put a layer of panda film or cardboard or something on top of your net pots if you have too. The 16oz ice bottles do diddly fuck in 5g buckets. Use 1L bottles of ice and swap every 12-24 hours. Your 68-71* is fine. Use benes or h202/bleach... I like pond-zyme.

I see in your recent pictures, light can still shine into your buckets through the net pots. I could be waayyyy off.. but I'm gonna take a stab in a dark here... I'm going to guess 1: You have light leaks. 2: Not using any kind of benes or h202. 3: Temps are probably drifting up into low-mid 70s by the time you change the bottles. If that is the case, you will def fight with root rot and shit.

I can barely fit a 32 oz water bottle in there let alone a 1L bird. Will I have to weigh it down so it sinks? I just don't want that big ass bitch knocking my roots around and shit.
Yeah I think it's the minerals in my water making things go whacky. Just bought an RO system with a trimeter (pH/ppm/temp) for better, acurate readings. I don't have an EC meter so I don't know the conversion. All I know is that as of now my ppm says 650.

ro system was a smart purchase with water that hard. it should say the conversion rate in your instruction book for your meter. its fairly important to know because there is a large disparity in strength between .7 and .5 conversions. ec is the universal measurement. watching the ppm is the best way to decide nutrient strength. start low and dont raise the strength until you see ec drop...
The ppm is jumping because they are drinking more water then nutes. This young they won't need any where near 600 ppm I'd have them closer to 400 personally. When they drink water and not nutes, it causes that spike. As far as res temps the frozen bottles are good. I would also cover the top of the bucket and the hydroton with some reflective material, this will reflect light/heat upwards, and that may help temps also.

The plant is looking real good, not getting nute burn is great like that other guy said. Plants don't grow faster with more nutes though. They only need a certain ammount at each stage of life. THis is different for different plants, but giving them just enough is better them giving them to much. If you give them too much for too long the nutes will get locked out, and cause bigger problems. Looks like your doing pretty goo though keep at it.
i have a hard time believing plants that sized are dropping the water level down substantially enough to affect the ppm. logo is possible to get a root pic? are they in 5 gallon buckets?
Yea I thought he was in 5g buckets... can fit 1L bottle easy. Otherwise try 20 oz. You can make them sink by putting a little aquarium sand or fishing weights or even rocks etc in them. I also dont believe a seedling would drink a noticable amount of water to cause a 100ppm rise.
Yea I thought he was in 5g buckets... can fit 1L bottle easy. Otherwise try 20 oz. You can make them sink by putting a little aquarium sand or fishing weights or even rocks etc in them. I also dont believe a seedling would drink a noticable amount of water to cause a 100ppm rise.

Roots are growing for sure, and staying very white. The plant is growing as well, just some leaf tips curling down and turning brown/yellow..
.5 Ec conversion scale A .5 Ec reading = to about 250 ppm on your meter , at the 600ppm you are running rite now = a 1.2 EC reading on your meter
My ppm is already at 250 out of tap. Now my leaves are curling upwards like a cup and has brown and yellow spots. I'm at 400 ppm right now with nutes.. plant's not looking good. Temps still 70 and water temps still 70 pH still won't stabilize.. going up to 6.8 sometimes after about 18 hours. Im scared :(
RO water is very if not completely pure. I've always experienced easily fluctuating PH levels using it. Post # 23 is spot on about high ppms and the plants up taking more water than nutes. You may want to lower the ppm so the uptake of water and nutes are equalized. Once that happens your PH will stay balanced for a longer period.
Update: Plant's in rain water with 100 ppm of Cyco Grow A+B and some Grow XL. Ph stable at 5.8 after boiling airstones and bleaching res. They love it :) Pinched off like three dead leaves at node and plant is real root bound with nice white hairs. Plant's growth was really stunted though but it's about 3-4 inches taller than four days ago.
Question: I wan't to chill my 5 gallon res so I'll have a pump at the bottom of the bucket going through 3/8 tubing into a copper coil sitting in a cold ass drum of water and back into the res.. will this work?
OH NO! I flushed with WAYYYYYYYYYY to cold of water... my plant went from a gorgeous almost veg-time seedling to THIS

Room temps at 72 so that'll bring the res temps back up to normal but right now the water is like 50 degrees. Will this bitch spring back up?
It should spring back up, if after 24 hrs it isn't I would trim off a few of the LARGEST fan leaves. Some times after a shock like this plants will have a hard time recouping those realy heavy fan leaves. When I've had this happen I've taken off 2-3 of the heaviest just to ease the work the plant has to do, and they usually come back like champs.
It should spring back up, if after 24 hrs it isn't I would trim off a few of the LARGEST fan leaves. Some times after a shock like this plants will have a hard time recouping those realy heavy fan leaves. When I've had this happen I've taken off 2-3 of the heaviest just to ease the work the plant has to do, and they usually come back like champs.

Hehe, now it's here
Question: I wan't to chill my 5 gallon res so I'll have a pump at the bottom of the bucket going through 3/8 tubing into a copper coil sitting in a cold ass drum of water and back into the res.. will this work?
I just read the whole thread! Your doing great for your first time and getting solid advice from people here. I think your light on temps are bit cold and I would highly recommend getting a water chiller instead of the Copper line idea, however, it is creative! With a chiller, you could raise your room temps and not worrie about water temps anymore. Just my 2 cents...nice job... You can look on craigslist for a water chiller and save a few bucks..

Alright so after various ph, temp, res temp, everything I could possibly fucking run into this grow I did. I still got her alive though, its been rough. If this turns out female id be bum-fucked surprised because that's a whole hell of a lot of stress on this baby. Jesus christ I want to say its like day 50? AHHH it makes my head hurt thinking about it, how can it stay so small yet so alive????? What do you think? Im about to say fuck it and not veg until halfway through march to get a HOPEFUL harvest before 420.

P.S. I hate that bucket.. I need a new one. I tried to paint it with enamel but that shit cracks
It looks like it is nice and bushy even though its not tall man. Looks like the center branches all have good growth. You gotta figure with the stresses, it has gotten stunted a few times. Have you seen any evidence of preflowers at all?

Paint the bucket with krylon fusion paint it is made for painting plastic, or just cut a circle of mylar or white plastic and lay it on top.